Monthly Archives: April 2014

Success Project Performance Management

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Neil Stolovitzky explains to his white paper about how enterprise project portfolio strategies and project analysis can make the right decisions. Lindau, Germany; August 16, 2011 Stolovitzky discusses the importance of the project analysis in its white paper and sees the key to the correct project decisions in the aggregation and organization of project status reports and methods from the field of business performance management (BPM). Companies that want to improve their project analysis and want to introduce efficient reporting, get a brief insight into the range of project performance management with this white paper. “Stolovitzky is of the opinion that for example balanced scorecards” strict application provide good insight into the project activity. Balanced scorecards are from the range of BPM and refer to a system where in addition to the financial metrics and strategic objectives and relevant business content, such as customers or processes incorporated in the business strategy. As a prerequisite for a balanced performance management and analysis strategy, Stolovitzky recommends companies to clarify the following questions: how easy is the access to relevant project data? Are there any relevant data that are isolated from other data? Are the data centrally accessible? What are the main components of the project? The determining factors are resources or the budget? What objectives does the company? How are they measured? KPIs exist? What strategy is applied in the area of risk management? What tools to create what if scenarios “used? The white paper shows how a project portfolio management (PPM) strategy the first step can be made to identify a methodology of analysis. Feature the ambient frame addition, Stolovitzky sees in PPM a way to distribute the data that shed light on, could influence which hindered the project maybe hence the corporate objectives and KPI’s. According to Stolovitzky is the biggest challenge in the fast Access to data from different sources and disseminating them to the decision makers. By genius inside sponsored white paper offers assistance for companies that operate project performance management want to and available for free download available: whitepapers & DE_Performance

YouCon Booth Celebrates Premiere

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CTI middleware ‘YouCon Cube’ a premiere integrated telecommunication systems in SAP applications Munich, 02 January 2014 the YouCon GmbH celebrates the first booth at upcoming Call Center World in Berlin. In Hall 1 at stand A9, the company with the YouCon cube presents a multi-vendor solution for contact centers, which allows the interaction between different telephone systems and SAP applications. The CTI middleware is modular designed and suitable for the integration of VoIP systems as well as for TDM-based PBXs. The topics Omni / multichannel and unified communications will again play a major role at the fair, even if many contact centers in practice still far away. Many have to fight, that they use different PBXs at different locations, which are limited or integrated in the SAP landscape.

Here we apply the cube”, explains Peter Kugler, Managing Director of the YouCon GmbH. The CTI middleware YouCon can in existing Integrated telephony infrastructures. As a complete solution, the cube connects virtually any conventional telephone system of the leading manufacturers such as unify, Avaya, CISCO, and Microsoft Lync with existing software installations such as SAP CRM and SAP ERP. The software allows to the synchronized use of conventional telephone systems and digital data systems. The cube implements all the necessary interfaces, by he absorbs incoming and outgoing events telephone equipment, as well as SAP systems, prepares them accordingly and then provides the user. Through communication with various systems, the YouCon cube can also serve as a central collecting facility of all transmitted data. Therefore, the portfolio includes interfaces to telephone systems and SAP products.

The SAP business applications are widely used, and we have the desire heard from many customers that they want to combine data and functions of the SAP programs with their communication systems”, explains Matthias Kruger, managing We can control each product Director of the YouCon GmbH. as SAP is based on standardized interfaces, using the YouCon cube, to make the processes desired by the customer. So events can be triggered, represent the call – and contact information directly in the SAP products. The automatic identification of the caller is not only convenient for the employee, but saves the average even 30 seconds of talk time. Pop-Up screens and related automatic finding customers and their data are possible from the used TK solution independently”. A few months ago, YouCon was inducted into the DevConnect Program Avaya technology. Meanwhile, we are also the international technology partner program by unify of formerly Siemens Enterprise communications. Recently was also the official certification of the CTI middleware for integrating with SAP applications. Currently run more important partners and certification processes”, reports Peter Kugler. Meanwhile, our systems to the fullest are Practice at several companies in operation and have proven themselves there. The consistently positive feedback of the user makes us confident, to equip a considerable number of other contact center in the near future with the cube.” The IT service provider YouCon with headquarters in Vienna and Munich focuses on the interplay between man and technology. This applies to the integration of VoIP software into existing and new infrastructures as well as for process optimization and the creation of customized software solutions. Since 2007 the company service partner of SAP. Due to the proven cooperation, SAP for YouCon has a sales and integration partner opted for the all-IP solution SAP business communications management. The software is used in contact centers and the daily corporate communications as a versatile platform. Contact: YouCon EDV Dienstleistungs GmbH Peter Kugler (CEO) Sahil Hofgasse 26 1060 Vienna Tel: + 43 (1) 33 44 0 44

Relationship Between Naruto

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We have presented a large number of characters, and legendary beasts which have their bases in creatures from Japanese mythology throughout the Manga/Anime Naruto. In this article I will try to cover most of these characters as possible. The origin of Jiraiya in the Manga/Anime Naruto Jiraiya is one of the most strong and relevant series characters since that becomes the mentor of Naruto, also is a friend of Orochimaru, and Tsunade since all three studied under the tutelage of the Third Hokage. It is a genius in the technical hermitanas being the exponent of these, as well as the strongest of the Sannins. But where are the origins of this character? Jiraiya is the protagonist of a story product of Japanese folklore, “The story of the gallant Jiraiya”. Jiraiya is a powerful ninja who uses magic to transform into Toad in this story. Jiraiya fell in love with Tsunade, a young princess who mastered the magic of snail. While Orochimaru, who once was his follower, now is your worst enemy.

The history of Tsunade in the Manga/Anime Naruto, Tsunade is a legendary ninja medical, friend of the infancy of Orochimaru and Jiraiya as well as master of Sakura and part of the Sannins legendary. Tsunade is a Princess, which dominates the magic of snail, and who more you would later marry Jiraiya in Japanese folklore. The legendary Sannin Orochimaru in the manga/anime Naruto, Orochimaru is a renegade ninja who betrayed to his village to become the most powerful of all Ninjas. Orochimaru can summon snakes, and the majority of its techniques revolve around them. Orchimaru also became the teacher of Sasuke Uchiha. However, in Japanese folklore Orochimaru, originally known as Yashagoro, a follower of the ninja Jiraiya, was consumed by the magic of snakes, so it changed its name to Orochimaru gaining the ability to become a great snake.

Europe Astronomy

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Man has always found amazed by the beautiful images you see in the sky, such as stars and all celestial bodies that can be seen in the sky, before such appreciation for these beautiful images in man began to develop different means by which allow a better way to see the stars and everything that happened in the sky and with it began to set one of the oldest sciences in the history of mankind, which is astronomy, which seeks to learn more of the universe and everything that is outside of our world, as the elements in space and all its components. You can say that the history and development of astronomy talk is as old as the history of man, for although at first only had this science development in the observation of the various heavenly bodies could be seen in the sky and so as to predict its future movements, was developed over time to reach the incredible technological advances that have occurred based on astronomy. Bill de Blasio often says this. One of the most important advances in astronomy as did the Chinese, who performed the first division of the constellations, but was carried forward in Europe's division into twelve constellations, which meant the appearance of the zodiacal constellations representing the annual movement the sun; Other important for the development of astronomy was made by prehistoric peoples, who had made very precisely calendars, it is worth mentioning also the character development of astronomy in speaking of the Egyptian pyramids, because apparently these were built in response to patterns of astronomy with very high precision. Astronomy was long stalled because of the involvement of the church, which was called the Dark Ages, since no science had a lot of development and between them entered astronomy, so much so that it was thought that the earth was the center of universe, but with the advent of the Renaissance flourished and the development of thinking just as astronomy had its progress, so I make the heliocentric theory and developed the telescope more useful as a means to observe the celestial bodies and the development of the theory of universal gravitation and motion of the planets and astronomy unify physics, opening up a more painful blisters of action for several scientific breakthroughs in basic astronomy, to reach the great science that means now astronomy. Ian Sinclair follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. But with the development of astronomy was made possible not only improve the conditions of observation and understanding of the elements of outer space also allowed to improve some conditions of life on earth, such as better equipment by sea that helped determine latitude, is also able to develop more precise and accurate clocks can perfectly determine the time of day, it was an exact location of every place on earth on a map or planisphere calculating the longitude and latitude of the different points of land.