Daily Archives: March 20, 2019

Governmental Politics

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GOVERNMENTAL POLITICS, MIGRATION AND URBAN EXPANSION IN THE AMAZNIA: The DEGRADATION OF NARROW RIVER AAIZAL 1 Nilene Cardoso Blacksmith 2 Souza INTRODUCTION In this document we will go, the principle, to make one brief quarrel regarding the governmental politics for the Amaznia, and its implications for the formation process and growth of the Amazonian urban mesh. (As opposed to Secretary of Agriculture). For this quarrel we decide to start briefly speaking of the Amazonian space organization, since the colonial period until the moment where ways to produce are inserted in the region new, that is, new ways to use the resources of the nature. In this context, the regions of the country had been attracted for the Amaznia of all migrantes, therefore, from the opening of roads binding the Center-South of Brazil the Amazon region, was disponibilizada the natural resources and the necessary force of work to its exploration. The desenvolvimentistas governments of the time, through the implantation of infrastructure and facilitation of credits for great investors, make possible one politics of settling and socioambiental exploration. This settling politics made possible the urban growth, also of Is Domingos of the Araguaia, that in its process of territorial formation, became enlarged in direction the areas of ambient preservation. It is the case of the expansion in direction of the Aaizal Narrow river, that thus, provoked a series of problems, as the increase in the number of cases of relative illnesses to the degradation of waters. GOVERNMENTAL POLITICS AND SPACE ORGANIZATION Leaving of the estimated one that the great projects, the expansion of the agricultural borders, the opening of highways and the deforestation had caused a disordered occupation in the Amazon region, we must understand that the environment and the way of life had been transformed of that already they liveed in the mentioned region. The process of occupation of the Amaznia has a long trajectory that it passes for one colonial period where products were explored extrativos as the rubber, for example, until the current days where the entrance of the great capital helped of decisive form to rearrange the Amazonian space.