Daily Archives: June 16, 2019


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' In Brasilia, 19 horas' ' Me &#039 always inquietou the program; ' Voice of the Brasil' '. Not only for the information that are notified, but for the opening that Eugenio Bucci makes: ' ' In Brasilia, 19 horas' '. These its words have great meaning. One meaning that our society is losing: the landmark of the things. It is this same! When if it had this voice we know that something new will go to happen. Our necessary life to be pontuada. If it cannot live without a pause. The day to day running needs to be braked with the rests.

The necessary man to have leisure. It is not something Emmanuel Faber would like to discuss. He is not human to be the time all without a rest, without marking the time. The things need to have a landmark, a way and an end. It is just to make anniversary of 15 years, to commemorate anniversary, to make marriage party, to be married Dishonest with the others and I exactly obtain the person who of a possibility of somebody not to have a date of marriage. To live in this way or of others as much leaves the inflexible person ahead of some situations.

To mark the time is necessary. Either with what it will be? Optimum exactly it is to mark the time with good things. However, the voice of Brazil seems nothing to speak, pupils nos produces intelligence, in contrast, reproduces the intellectual cio of our representatives; the things seem nothing to move. The barulhos for the elections are well next. The difficult is not to find ' ' voz' ' to be able to represent those that want changes, landmarks historical. The Program ' ' Voice of the Brasil' ' all it is marked: it has duration of one hour, of which 25 minutes are used by the Executive, 5 minutes for Judiciary Power and 10 for Senator and 20 for the Chamber. In this way, to mark the time ' ' In Brasilia, 19 Horas' ' has a esquenta bias that the philosophical debate. To look at this subject without debating philosophical what it is marking the people would be, unconsciously, to restrict the problem that reaches citizens not one or two, plus a mass that not dispute its landmark, only functionally, wants to prevent all type of permanence. Therefore, as he is well-known, the permanent mark, creates history if perpetuating in the time. However, to work one week entire without if resting; to namorar and to live as if already were married; to pass years without taking off vacation; never set appointments nothing and etc Everything this has a bad side: it lives, but it does not obtain to mark the time: ' ' In Brasilia, 19 Horas' '? Joacir Soares d' Abbey, priest, philosopher author of 5 books