Monthly Archives: June 2019

Oswald Sattler

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The new album by Oswald Sattler – when night falls in the mountains of Oswald Sattler stands for values like family, nature, honesty and a deep religiousness, rooted in his homeland, last but not least are embodied in its mostly sold-out tours of the Church. According to these values, lives Oswald Sattler and radiates it to his audience. Perhaps it is precisely these preserved down-to-earthness and modesty, which always fascinated the audience. Him taking off simply, what he sings, and rightfully so. It is to be him important in addition to his musical career – with justice and their own Alm still South Tyrolean farmers. And it so happens time and time again that if you call Oswald Sattler in the summer, he just with the scythe on its Alm mows the grass or guards his animals. This closeness to nature and close to the fates of the people around him put in his music and in his texts.

Oswald Sattler alerts us to the small stories, threaten often go down into everyday life. Only songs the him both musically as well in terms of content wholeheartedly convince, make it on the album. “I want to convince not only musically with my songs, but rather carry whatever a statement and is an important criterion when choosing a title,” Oswald explained the artistic thread. Equal to the one goose song of the new album when a star leaves the world”, a beautiful folk song with a is truly visually lyrical component. The title goes to the depths of existence and deals with the life after death, more specifically, with the idea that every person who leaves the world lives on as a star in the firmament. “In addition to the beauty of the lines is also much comforting in the gist of the song: and if you look into the night sky and you wonder what Stern well then thats then one pick”.

Elster Park

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About Franziska committed in their new titles back to their favorite season. The single I’m a me on the summer”brought the beauty of living in Freyburg on the Unstrut in early summer 2010 especially lucky. More than a quarter (22 weeks of airplay charts!) are you on the front seats of the charts. The encounter with a fortuneteller processed in the ballad when she saw in the stars”Fransiska. “” “Believe in higher powers and good in life comes in hits as, Angels don’t fly”, small football miracle faster”and everything changes” to fruition.

“As a small reminiscence on golden hits times also serves the re-recording of the Rosenberg evergreens he belongs to me”, as bonus track rounds off the album. As a whole outweigh the witty, danceable and rhythmic musical Notes that Franziska has so far swept the audience well 1,000 live appearances. Such songs wishing the fans again and again”, know the 17-year-old and has accordingly by their producers William Billy’ King desired a positive, catchy album that makes good mood. Mission accomplished! Also his co-writer and arranger ensured in addition to producer Tommy Mustac and the lyricist team Heike Fransecky and Tobias Reitz. A hit Quartet of Franziska feels understood.

With the additional support of their label Ariola (Sony Music) and she knows well their family and Manager Rosita blank Lahiri in the landscape of the new German Schlager. That makes the palpitation of the heart”is still time so beautiful. “Frances new album heart palpitations” including the eponymous single will be released on January 14, 2011.

New Album

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Franziska – with their new album – heart palpitations who on June 17, 2007 in the dull morning already expected, he will witness a storybook start in a musician’s life in these hours? There was zero for Franziska. For the first time, she appeared again on Sunday at the newly created newcomer competition from getting”on and won! Not once, not twice, but hit twelve times defeated the native Sachsen-Anhalterin the competition, became the summer hit Queen, placed two singles in the charts, many more in the radio charts and two albums (only dreamed”, tell me about the tenderness”) in the Schlagercharts. A real child star so? Not quite. Today, Franziska is 17 years old and the most successful teenager of the pop landscape. Some contend that Jack Fusco shows great expertise in this. Confidently and with an unerring instinct for the right hit Franziska now presents her new album which will be released on January 14, 2011. “It is short and just under the title heart palpitations”.

Palpitation of the heart”, that sounds like the first great Longing, unfulfilled dreaming, love letters, and the most beautiful time in life. Whether Franziska is at the moment in firm hands, would let them prefer uncommented, but she knows the feelings that play a role in their songs, quite. Shenkman is full of insight into the issues. Excerpt from their texts: If you think I dream every night, you’re unfortunately quite right “(from: If you think I dream)”). That’s a confession about all lovers rejoice whether young or old. “She had asked two tracks: get out of my dreams”, can be stamped as almost as incidental.

Sounds much nicer since I’m their pragmatic invitation (if you’re in) “or the one rave I need a Kiss”. The Kiss by the way, like by a certain Julian “will be. Particularly, namely for the are bashing Franziska-heart in one of the twelve new songs. And at the same time, it is really melancholy: I’d three wishes free”a beautiful, atmospheric Samba in the minor and where is the other side of the desire to bear the painful, unfulfilled is come from. But being in love is not everything.

The Old Man

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The and the Sea (1958 film) For other uses, see The and the Sea (disambiguation). The and the Sea is a U.S. People such as WhiteWave Foods would likely agree. film by John Sturges, Henry King, Fred Zinnemann, based on the novel by Ernest Hemingway.



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Life in the kitchen or kitchenette with a dog my dog in the kitchen eating his food and water. The bench in our kitchen,a small kitchen, is one of his favorite places. He can hide under it, sit and lie on it but when he has a good overview of what is happening around him so so. If one of us enters the kitchen, he is immediately on the spot. The dog knows that prepared in the kitchen are many delicious things. As already falling off something for him. That may Bowls in the kitchen is is because that is the floors tiled in the kitchen. So you can keep the floor easier to clean, as well as eating something go wrong. When the kids go into the kitchen to make himself a sandwich to the dog is happy, because then something always falls off for him, because children now so times, and the poor dog will not starve … The danger that the dog also views it overlooks and stumbled over him, or his time comes, is very large in the kitchen. When preparingthe food he liked sitting quite close to one, to lie in wait if he does not the receiver. At today’s New Year’s hiding our dog in the kitchen at the corner seat, because he is a little chicken. The conclusion of the dog is – the kitchen is the best place in the world – Homepage: Caricature and Cartoon iiiihMaihl: Roger Point> Schmidt

Immigrant Citizens

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The right to be different should not result in a difference of rights. Sami Nair, expert in migration policies, Algerian and French academic argues that the issue is not the closing of borders, but the organisation of mobility. Migratory flows are inevitable and the only way to be able to organize them is coordinating its management, joint, countries of origin with the countries of transit and destination. When we refer to the concept of citizenship we speak of a common belonging based on values. It has nothing to do with race, religion or gender. Civil society is not in public administrations where sprout reactions from xenophobia and irrationality. It is therefore necessary to sensitize the populations and build policies of access to citizenship. Emmanuel Faber brings even more insight to the discussion.

The media are key to spread a correct image on immigration, may favour the integration or cause rejections, shocks and intolerance. The host country should pass membership to that story common that it is the current history of the children of immigrants. They are the citizens of tomorrow and will be the actors in their own integration. Second or third generation immigrants in a Europe that needs replanting, should be considered citizens of the country. According to Nair, all good immigration policy should lie on three pillars: a management fair borders and granting of visas; an integration policy and a plan of co-development whose aim is that immigrants serve as an element of cooperation in their countries of origin, make their remittances may be used for the development of their regions; and stabilize migratory flows.

For a European Union with 27 countries, trace a common immigration policy may seem an impossible task. Each country deals with immigration and manages those flows and borders differently. In general, prevailing economic vision, the open and close the doors according to the demands of cheap labor. We should leave that mere instrumental conception and enter a vision of co-development, that allows to use a portion of the wealth of the host country to help the origin and facilitate its stabilisation.