Daily Archives: January 20, 2020

Water Equals Life

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Fifteen liters of water is the least that a person needs per day, according to United Nations. Each Spanish consume about 300 liters, U.S., 400. Meanwhile, a person living in an impoverished country is less than ten liters diarios.a Access to safe water is a fundamental individual right and an essential element for living. United Nations says that more than 260 transboundary basins and lakes in the world that stretch across the territory of 145 countries, covering half the earth's land surface. They are also large deposits of underground water. So there is enough fresh water to meet human needs. The world's population depends on only one hundredth of 1% of the world's water. The problem is inequitable distribution and the threat of contaminacion.a Today, more than 1,100 million people lack access to safe drinking water and 2,600 billion lack adequate sanitation.

In addition, each year die about two and a half million people, mostly children, from diseases related to poor water and half of the beds in hospitals around the world are occupied by people suffering from waterborne diseases, according to Unidas.a With Nations simple measures such as teaching the importance of washing hands could be reduced by up to 45% of diarrhea cases in the world. WHO has estimated $ 700 million annual potential productivity gains from a reduction of diarrhea if, by 2015, it halved the proportion of people without access to safe water and sanitation. In northern countries, the picture is very different. The grass of a golf course needs to be in good condition, the equivalent of the water consumed by 20,000 people every day.