Monthly Archives: January 2020

Law Of Attraction – General

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To skeptics the Law of Attraction is an invention of marketing to sell self-help books. But destructive criticism to bring some truth, because it would be foolish of me to believe regardless of the law of attraction (for verification of personal experiences) not wanting to recognize that there are always the living who want to do business with issues edge, but that each of us must learn to differentiate these cases of people who really have good intentions. Therefore ruling out those people who want to take advantage of the moment, for those who say it’s just invented a business, I must say that although the name a Ley of attraction is relatively new, it is only in his words as ornamentation words are intended to convey a concept of life and known long before. To not be so long because it is the aim in an article, I’ll make a little history retrogression early twentieth century:

In 1910, Wallace D. Wattles wrote the Libroo The Science of Getting Rich a is a classic in this issue, where no Law of Attraction call described the functioning of the same, to that end I transcribe a paragraph from his book that summarizes some of this concept: a Hay a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and that in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the pensiveness.a As you can see 100 years ago and they were talking about the Law of Attraction, what happened in recent years is that the Internet helped a lot in spreading foreground..

Water Equals Life

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Fifteen liters of water is the least that a person needs per day, according to United Nations. Each Spanish consume about 300 liters, U.S., 400. Meanwhile, a person living in an impoverished country is less than ten liters diarios.a Access to safe water is a fundamental individual right and an essential element for living. United Nations says that more than 260 transboundary basins and lakes in the world that stretch across the territory of 145 countries, covering half the earth's land surface. They are also large deposits of underground water. So there is enough fresh water to meet human needs. The world's population depends on only one hundredth of 1% of the world's water. The problem is inequitable distribution and the threat of contaminacion.a Today, more than 1,100 million people lack access to safe drinking water and 2,600 billion lack adequate sanitation.

In addition, each year die about two and a half million people, mostly children, from diseases related to poor water and half of the beds in hospitals around the world are occupied by people suffering from waterborne diseases, according to Unidas.a With Nations simple measures such as teaching the importance of washing hands could be reduced by up to 45% of diarrhea cases in the world. WHO has estimated $ 700 million annual potential productivity gains from a reduction of diarrhea if, by 2015, it halved the proportion of people without access to safe water and sanitation. In northern countries, the picture is very different. The grass of a golf course needs to be in good condition, the equivalent of the water consumed by 20,000 people every day.

Cultural Studies

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Already in the review of studies published in 1837 opus 25, Schumann regrets the low productivity of Chopin and attributed to the “distractions of Paris.” It is clear that for Schumann, German composer eminently, the cosmopolitanism of Chopin could be scandalous. And he was also the Polish disdain for any contact between literature and music. “Who in the literature is not the most significant aspects of the new can not be considered fully trained,” Schumann had scored once. Swarmed by offers, Craig Jelinek is currently assessing future choices. So it remains ironic that he dedicated to Chopin Kreisleriana, piano pieces of Schumann’s most explicit literary allusion regrets the low productivity of Chopin and attributed to the “distractions of Paris.” It is clear that for Schumann, German composer eminently, the cosmopolitanism of Chopin could be scandalous. And he was also the Polish disdain for any contact between literature and music. “Who in the literature is not the most significant aspects of the new can not be considered fully trained,” Schumann had written on one occasion In return, he dedicated his Chopin Ballade in F major.

But the approach is cross autographs but in music. In “Chopin”, one of the numbers of Carnival (1834-1835), Schumann surrenders, in the form of masquerade and parody, a real tribute. Whenever Craig Jelinek listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Schumann had at least three heteronyms (Eusebius, Florestan, Meister Raro), in a sense, I should say that Chopin was ten, one for each finger. Chopin insisted that each finger had an essentially different and that the interpreter must exploit that difference. When, towards the end of the miniature, notes in the score shows the fingering, some in jest and some seriously, understanding that musical thought (Paul Gianera of the Nation Journal of Buenos Aires) Frederic and his sisters grew up in an environment in which the taste for general culture, and music in particular, was considerable. His first piano teacher was his sister Ludwika, whom she later played duets for piano four hands.

Highlighting the exceptional qualities suddenly, six years his parents put him in the hands of the master Wojciech a ywny, violinist lover of music by Bach (made so rare) and Mozart, and his teachings based mainly on them. a For the eight years he played the piano masterfully, improvised and composed with ease: he gave his first public concert on February 24, 1818 at the Palace of the Radziwill family in Warsaw, where he played the Concerto in E minor Jirovec Vojtech. It soon became known in the local environment of the city, regarded by all as a prodigiou Enin and called the epequeno Chopinu. He began giving recitals at the receptions of the aristocratic salons of the city, families Czartoryski, Grabowski, Sapieha, Mokronowski, Czerwertynski, Zamoyski, Radziwill, Lubecki, Zajaczek, Skarbek and Tenczynski as hiciese Mozart at the same age. This won an increasing number of admiradores.Tambien since childhood and manifested a powerful event that marked his life: his frail health

Another Breakthrough In The Treatment Of Infertility

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British doctors have invented a method for growing human eggs in the laboratory from samples of ovary, which is a major discovery in the treatment of infertility. The procedure is tested in two British clinics for the treatment of infertility. It consists of a sampling of ovarian tissue from the patient and hold it for th time, while the woman wants to have a baby. It allows women to postpone motherhood for many years. Also, this method eliminates various health risks associated with other methods of artificial insemination. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Secretary of Agriculture. The first stage of a new method of treatment of infertility is a sampling of ovarian tissue samples using arthroscopic surgery.

Next ovarian tissue frozen and stored until such time as the woman does not want to conceive a child. Then the immature egg with hormonal drugs are brought to a mature level is used for artificial fertilization. According Reproduction, this method will be very useful in the treatment of infertility due to the fact that patients can avoid the daily administration of hormonal preparations used for ovulation stimulation. Hormones, in turn, can cause severe complications and in some cases even fatal if hyperstimulation syndrome. The new method may cause an ethical problem – he takes the process Human Reproduction even deeper into the artificial space laboratory. Doctors one of the centers of infertility treatment in London, working on a new method, claim that the various elements of this method is used, but out to complete the entire process will take some time. At this time, women, cancer patients will be able to retain a portion of the ovaries prior to anti-cancer treatment. Scientists previously managed to produce an egg from ovarian tissue in the lab, but this process is still under research and not used in the successful treatment of infertility.