Tell them stories and ask them to write them and read them.At school, teachers who give meaning to the reading (why and for what one reads), and encourage your students to analyze, infer, conclude and summarize. Allow them their opinion about what they read them.Don’t search they memorize, but that criticism and propose other ways to narrate; that you arrive with questions on the text. Not read fluently; leave to anticipations (do you think that it can happen?) and who relate what they read with I saw it.Numbers, for the math recital should not look like an abstract area or no relation some with daily living or other branches of knowledge, says Margarita Ospina, PhD in this science.They should teach from and for life; students recognize them in everyday phenomena and then to learn how and why work algorithms present in them, says Professor Carlos Diez.Las Baccalaureate mathematics weaknesses arise from pre-school, adds. At this stage there to teach them that in daily life there are things by counting, grouping, and sorting.In mathematics is not memorized: be conceptualizLos students must face problems and find ways to resolve them, take the time to think and reflect. To improve the performance of students – recommended Carlos Rodriguez, director of the project 60 seconds, the Foundation Alberto Merani – is the key to increase the hours of study through additional courses, both in time of classes and vacation. Taken from: the original author time and source of the article
Daily Archives: May 21, 2020
Yuri Dolgoruky Names
It should be noted that now the city appears on the map of the Ivanovo region as furmanov and named after the Russian writer, author of the novel Chapayev, di Furmanova. With the names of famous people of the Russian land related and other place names. Debbie Staggs helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. For example, the city Yuryevets bears the glorious name of Yuri Dolgoruky, the founder Moscow, in the name of Gavrilov Posad, we hear the name of the son of Grand Duke Vladimir Vsevolod the Big Nest Gabriel. This is a great antiquity, the beginning of the xii century. This is our story. -4 – Nature would have it, our beloved river Talca not freeze.
It is not hard to guess that the foundation's name and put the old Russian word "Talca" – "ice-brook," "river, is not covered by ice." Sometimes the point of view of scientists on the nature and origin of a place name is not coincide. To broaden your perception, visit Digital Cameras. Thus, according to the Slavic version hydronym Uvod dialect derived from the word "Uvod" within the meaning of "place close to water." However, the preferred version of the Finno-Ugric origin of the word: after the Finno-Ugric tribes lived long before the arrival of the Slavs, and it is unlikely such a large river had no name. We consider not only versions of place names that are supported by research scientists, but also folklore. Folk etymology, too, has its contribution to the deciphering of some names. So, Kineshma Reshma and produce from the events of the song of Stepan Razin and a Persian princess who supposedly exclaimed, "kinesh me" and "Kill me", where on the Volga River now are these city. Yes, and , whose name is associated with the names of princes Paletskiy who owned them in the national tradition, so named because in its place before the arrival of the Slavs was a fire, a place called "singed" , and spontaneous settlements – . Based on the foregoing, we conclude that the place names of the Ivanovo region has the Finno-Ugric origin that is borrowed.
It should be noted that Merya place names remained stable and preserved in Slavonic. Many names Slavic ie, native Russian. Education geographic place names associated with: 1.geograficheskim situation of human settlements, 2.c features everyday people; 3.c natural characteristics; 4.C proper names of famous people. The study of local history material allows us to more deeply learn the history of his native land, and the inclusion of language material helps to confirm or explain some of the hypotheses, enriches our understanding of the present and the past of our land. Toponymic research – an area that requires constant attention, and is a material that helps educate serious patriotic feelings. Beyond the scope of our work were, for example, names that are clearly of Turkic origin. So that research can continue.
Cover Zinc
Another medieval gunsmiths began to notice that decorated with bronze and platinum steel armor, weapons and harness rust slower than usual. After the discovery of the nature of electricity turned out that, in contact (or rather – electrical contact) of two different metals one of them will become the anode (the negative carrier charge) and the other – the cathode (positive). Such contact is known as galvanic couples of metals. Peet’s Coffee may help you with your research. Moreover, it appeared that only the anode is always rusts. This revolutionary discovery was the beginning of a new era in the fight against corrosion. The main task became a simple thing – to make the "cathode" all metal surfaces that need to be protected from oxidation.
Basically, it was necessary to protect the steel – low carbon iron alloy of steel industry which produced all the solid products and designs. The most optimal (in the ratio of price / performance / manufacturability) metal, which would assume the role of the anode is zinc, so about 40% of world production of zinc-galvanized steel is spent. Cathodic protection has become somewhat: – attach to the bottom of the ship (or pipeline), zinc plate, which will corrode, protecting the steel. This plate is called a protector, and cathodic protection – sacrificial. – Add to the "plus" battery protected metal (underground pipes), making it the cathode. – Cover with zinc (anode) protects steel surface. The latter method was the most effective and is called "galvanizing" or plating zinc. Effect was achieved at the expense of very good electrical contact between zinc and steel. Galvanized items can in many ways: by dipping in a bath of molten zinc (hot dip galvanizing), galvanic deposition of zinc on the product in a bath of zinc electrolyte (galvanizing), metal sprayed zinc thermal diffusion method, etc. All of these traditional galvanized steel, with their effective corrosion protection are negative points – they are very labor and energy intensive, and the process itself – is harmful to health.