Category Archives: General

The Combustion

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The combustion of 1 liter, liberates in air 1 gram of metals heavy (acceptable maximum 5 metal emission pesados* = mg/m (n)) (1,5 mg/m of lead is considered an extreme level) It makes unusable the ground total reached, as much for agriculture, how much for the construction; Generally cause hdrica pollution superficial Impacta the fretico sheet and water-bearing (drinking waters reserve of the future) For containing diverse toxic elements (example chromium, cadmium, lead and Arsenio), cause damages to the health of the workers who handle it and the neighboring population with the contamination of air, water, ground and foods and still cause diverse serious problems, as respiratory, cancergenos and adverse effect in the reproduction and development of the embryo. BENEFITS the activity of rerrefino of used and or contaminated lubricative oils, beyond the economic importance for the country, has essential an ambient paper, generating diverse benefits: – They contribute for the reduction of the pollution, because they minimize the generation of residues; – They assure the adequate destination of a dangerous residue; – They diminish the necessity of extration of oil and reduce the dependence of importation of derivatives; – They supply to substance cousin specified for finished lubricative oil production; – They take care of to the principles of conservation of energy established in the article 1 of the Law n 9478/1997. The Ambient Education more than what one disciplines is a sufficiently clear ideology, that if apia in a iderio, in a set of ideas, that leads to the improvement of the quality of life and to the balance of the ecosystem for all the beings livings creature. Thus, beyond being effective instrument of management, it a life philosophy must become. (PHILIPPI Jr and PELICIONI, 2000:3). According to Medium brown Alberto Daz: The purpose of the ambient education is, in fact, to take to the discovery of certain ethics, fortified for a system of values, attitudes, behaviors, detaching, between the first ones, questions as the tolerance, solidarity or the responsibility.

European Clubs

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Clubs appear, but all of them, with few exceptions, similar to each other, if not appearance, the quality of music and services. Any comparison of the national club culture in Europe, unfortunately, are not in favor of the first. But of course everything is not so gloomy. Let us not forget that the first night clubs in Europe appeared in a few decades earlier than in Russia, so we have room to grow and attain to the level at someone. And if you attain to the level, then at best.

One of the most fashionable places in Paris today – it’s Buddha-Bar. This club has found its popularity in the mid-90s of the 20th century. Buddha Bar was born thanks to a group of DJs at the head of the famous Claude Schall, whom many call the father of Parisian bohemia. Exotic interior (a huge statue of Buddha (8 x 5 m), decorative elements of a Buddhist temple), aromas of exotic essences, Asian food, ethnic music have made it extremely attractive place for a stellar public. With remarkable regularity, club launches CDs with unique musical content, with a circulation of more than 300 thousand copies. And the high entrance fee – 50 – indeed justified. One of the most fashionable clubs in London – Fabric. To play here, here arranged in turn even the legendary DJ’s.

One of the highlights of the club – a vibrating floor, on Fridays here dance breaks, hip-hop, drum and bass, and on Saturdays – tech house and electro. Despite the celebrity establishment, dress code, the most loyal: sneakers jeans, t-shirts, plus a good mood. And all the fun for only 15. Club 11 – this is a bar and restaurant, and a center for contemporary art, and one of the best dance floors in Amsterdam. Facility is located on the 11th floor of the tower post. After 20.00 on the walls begin demonstrations of various photo installation. For the remote control work the best DJs the world of electronic music. The undoubted benefits of the club includes a magnificent view over Amsterdam and surreal design. New trends in European club culture – environmental clubs. Examples include Surya in London and Watt in Rotterdam. These clubs are using unconventional methods of generating electricity – from the sun cells and wind turbines to the special sex on the dance floor, a mechanism which allows to generate electricity, while visitors dance. Before such innovations Russian clubs, of course, continue to grow and grow. However, it is Now, when the market nightclubs close to full, domestic club movement should move to a new level. The youth of today are spoiled and jaded entertainment, which it can provide a night life in the capital today. Times require new solutions and quality music. Today, night clubs will win the audience a unique concept, service quality and originality of the proposed entertainment.

Bright Holidays

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For many people associate the holiday with the sea. It does not matter, it's Black Sea or the Baltic or the Mediterranean in general. In any case, the sea – a vacation for body and soul. In addition, water and sea air is very helpful for a person as improve health. The sea – this is an entirely different world where you feel under the feet of sand pebbles iperekaty, hear the cries of gulls and the sound of the waves. His changeable color and elemental power, infinite majesty and splendor gives us a lot of happy sensations. If you would like to go to the Crimea and are interested in some resorts in Crimea can settle down, then you are on the right track. Crimea – is a museum, botanical garden, mountain landscapes, the beautiful sunshine, waterfalls, and warm sea.

Other words, it thrills and unrivaled pleasure. It must be noted that the history of Crimea is relatively rich, it's plexus of East and West, the history of the Cossacks and Tartars, Christians and Muslims. It is a legend medieval castles and caves, forts, which survived until the present time. Arriving in the Crimea, you will learn what the Crimean sun, and Crimean wine, the sea. The peninsula is bordered by two seas – the Sea of Azov and Black. The area is about 25 tisyach square. Kilometers. Despite the fact that summer in the Crimea is too hot, sometimes shorter showers.

The Crimean peninsula is rich in diversity of nature. Here perfectly combined foothill steppes, coast and mountain landscapes. Each year, the Crimean mountains attract tourists from all over the world. Those who want to relax in the Crimea is worth a visit such attractions as the Marble Mountain Cave, Grand Canyon, known cave Emine-Bair-Khosar, Ai-Petri, and more. Certainly, the Crimea can talk a lot, but not seeing, not convinced than ever. So look for hotels Sudak and go there. Since this is one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Republic March

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What must be understood is that the policy ceased to be a space of action individually or uni-organizativo to become a great network of networks of information transmission, building coalitions and alliances and in articulation of political pressure. In his PostScript on the societies of control, Gilles Deleuze reminds us of the process, with Foucault, of disciplinary societies of the 18th and 19th centuries, in fullness in the early 20th century, where man spends confined space enclosed space, i.e. the family, school, barracks, factory and, eventually, prison, which would be the perfect analogue model. This model would be brief, just substitute calls societies of sovereignty, where death is more organized than life. Deleuze considers the end of World War II as the point of precipitation of new forces and the onset of the crisis of what we call civil society. In other words, they enter with force the societies of control that it replaces the disciplinary societies. Virilio talks so control outdoors as opposed to old enclosed spaces.

The great diagnosis made on this process, there is no doubt, Foucault, but is Deleuze who must resort to understand the old mould change to what he calls modulations. Modulation is constantly changing, adapting, becomes flexible. The key is that in disciplinary societies always began something, while in the control is never completed anything, the important thing is not even the mass, but the figure. I.e., we have ceased to be individuals to become dividuos. There is no doubt the mutation: we are in the era of services, the old capitalist way of production disappeared. I have defined this was like the speed, well, control is fast, changing, continuous, unlimited. If some terrorists placed explosive collars to their victims, the society of control puts us an electronic collar.

This Republic passing, backward, lifeline, repeats. This Republic March toward when there was no Republic. We return to be a possibility of Republic, a theoretical tired, tired eventually, tired dreamed by the first intellectuals who decided to address the issue of this nation and its path. We are putting in a return to reconstruct civility and in the way of return to the old theme of civilization and barbarism. For what I have I have a negative response. It must be a democracy of the 21st century, should be given to this country of tools allowing you to exit the unconsciousness of the setbacks, we must extinguish the bilious gaze. Here only laughter that fits is on Mimetic efforts of the caudillo, on the old language and old returnees approaches as if here there had been four decades of civilian Governments. What fits here is rebuilding ideas, give you a kick in the butt to the nineteenth-century Venezuela and the sesentona Venezuela to make him understand that we are in the 21st century. This country needs thought, not down-signatories; This nation needs who the tempt the greatness of spirit, not amodorrados in silence; This country needs who projected a new system politician, not those who come to repeat the old rotten language or to become objects of psychiatric study. You must create new fields of historicity, to use words of Alain Touraine. This implies to abandon old themes that insist on putting on the table avoiding serious discussion on new modes of the duty to be of the social body.

Climatic Features Kislovodsk Resort

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Thunderstorm rain shower hot and decided to cool the summer heat of the resort town of Kislovodsk. It is common for Kislovodsk is in the ring of mountains. The proximity of the Main Caucasian ridge, it is not melting glaciers make climate in Kislovodsk, unique in the summer. Due to the presence of such a cooling factor as the glaciers of the Caucasus, Kislovodsk, became a favorite place of rest and treatment for thousands of people from the regions of the Caucasus and Central Asia, and even Israel (at the reception which is specialized sanatorium Plaza). During the summer in these regions, the temperature rises to 40 degrees and even higher. The same applies to the neighboring republics of the more southerly: Dagestan, Chechnya. The climate in which especially in Dagestan and Azerbaijan, as the summer is not quite comfortable for zhizni.Na this background, the cool summer and warm in Kislovodsk in the winter makes this city truly unique in our country. The main factors influencing the formation of weather in the city are reaching cyclone from the north and south and the mountain landscape.

The ring of mountains surrounding Kislovodsk making it protected from hot winds of the steppes and semidesert of Stavropol and Kalmykia. But in winter the mountain to protect it from Kislovodsk winds coming from the Caucasus Mountains already in the south. This ring of mountains is the thermostat for the resort. Humidity and rainfall in the city determined by the situation with a cloud over Main Caucasian Range. there saturated clouds bring summer and winter precipitation in the city. But apart from the mountains so the same effect on precipitation and cyclones coming from the Black Sea coast and the Mediterranean. In all seasons of the year on the territory Kislovodsk can penetrate a variety of air masses: a cold dry air in the Arctic, then saturated with moisture mass that formed over the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean humid tropical air, and finally, although very rare, too tropical, but dry and dusty air from the highly arid highlands Southwest Asia and the Middle Vostoka.Ne should just forget about the increased solar radiation, which is generously endowed with the resort, because it is located on the southern edge of the Stavropol Upland at an average altitude of 750 meters above the picture morya.Podobnaya climate of the region and its weather cycles makes the practice of basic climate-health resorts of Kislovodsk. Climatotherapy one of the main components of the practical treatment of the resorts Kavminvod.

Argentina Loses

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The economy and sport have a lot to do. Not because they are developed in unison, but because the two seem to depend heavily on confidence. If the markets become depressed if they have no confidence, all citizens suffer an anxiety attack, increases the rate of suicides and politicians, and experts are desperate looking for the formula that allows returning the mood so important protagonists. It is clear that in football happens something like. Since then, in Argentina, where, on the one hand, crumbling confidence in the role of selection in this America’s Cup, and on the other, the abysmal state of mind of his best player, Lionel Messi, certified by his father (this evil mess. It is the first time that they whistle you, said), occupying all the television programmes, all the front pages of newspapers and radios. Even today, that celebrates an important Fiesta Patria, the anniversary of the Declaration of independence, and is the day of reflection (no alcohol) prior to the important local elections which are held tomorrow Sunday in Buenos Aires Capital Federal.

Gerd Bewersdorff

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Generalists have broad based knowledge and are often wrongly as “happy and” Nichtskonner”devalued. So-called ALLROUNDER, such as General doctors and janitors, know about many related topics, and then forward to the specialists according to continue. Most however, work in management positions, especially in interdisciplinary projects, and communicate with their good social skills between different subject areas. They are characterized by flexibility and openness, the spontaneous acquisition of new items and CVS with frequent job changes. Generalists are needed especially in small and medium-sized companies and startups. Here, a few employees do all those tasks, which is also available in large companies. However, the cost in the individual areas such as marketing, finance, and customer service is less, so that fewer employees can fulfil several functions. Especially in rural areas or outside core business hours physicians and professionals with extensive knowledge are required to secure a base supply.

In large companies Specialists work, however, as deep knowledge is required. You have mastered the language and develop a comprehensive knowledge over many years about their area. The rapid development in science and technology makes it also nearly impossible to be in all areas of knowledge, always up to date. For this reason the educational system has encouraged now adapted it is early specialization. But narrow gauge knowledge is”the only true? The somewhat strange-sounding term T-shaped professional”describes the best employees of the future. “” This means: generalists with hobby-horse ‘ or specialists with views outside the box “the country needs! The transition from the all-rounder job specialization is easier for these employees with growing size of the company. Fond detail should, despite the preference for a specific topic area, soft don’t neglect skills and social contacts and knowledge points.

Generalists should not, however, to the Executive determine leave, but are looking a heart theme, in which you can deepen your knowledge and not by leaps and bounds to act. Make complex relationships through knowledge networking and understandable they can prestige, win by both specialists and external colleagues. Also that yet: there is hardly anything what Brits do not scan. For example, they have determined the dullest day of the story: it was April 1, 1954: nothing, absolutely nothing extraordinary will happen on this day. No financial or Government crisis, no record, no earthquakes, no Tsunamie and no significant discovery. Except one: There were ALLROUNDER /-in the world. Now, the day is still famous. The week starts well – said the Monday Tuesday Wednesday asked what because Thursday is Friday, because free Saturday and enjoy all on Sunday. Today is the first day of the rest of your life! Today is the first day of the rest of your life! Or: The whole world is a Madhouse, and here is the headquarters? Or the whole world is a madhouse and here is the Headquarter? Search for jobs! Find job! Gerd Bewersdorff

Gerd Bewersdorff

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Generalists have broad based knowledge and are often wrongly as “happy and” Nichtskonner”devalued. So-called ALLROUNDER, such as General doctors and janitors, know about many related topics, and then forward to the specialists according to continue. Most however, work in management positions, especially in interdisciplinary projects, and communicate with their good social skills between different subject areas. They are characterized by flexibility and openness, the spontaneous acquisition of new items and CVS with frequent job changes. Generalists are needed especially in small and medium-sized companies and startups. Here, a few employees do all those tasks, which is also available in large companies. However, the cost in the individual areas such as marketing, finance, and customer service is less, so that fewer employees can fulfil several functions.

Especially in rural areas or outside core business hours physicians and professionals with extensive knowledge are required to secure a base supply. In large companies Specialists work, however, as deep knowledge is required. You have mastered the language and develop a comprehensive knowledge over many years about their area. The rapid development in science and technology makes it also nearly impossible to be in all areas of knowledge, always up to date. For this reason the educational system has encouraged now adapted it is early specialization. But narrow gauge knowledge is”the only true? The somewhat strange-sounding term T-shaped professional”describes the best employees of the future.

“” This means: generalists with hobby-horse ‘ or specialists with views outside the box “the country needs! The transition from the all-rounder job specialization is easier for these employees with growing size of the company. Fond detail should, despite the preference for a specific topic area, soft don’t neglect skills and social contacts and knowledge points. Generalists should not, however, to the Executive determine leave, but are looking a heart theme, in which you can deepen your knowledge and not by leaps and bounds to act. Make complex relationships through knowledge networking and understandable they can prestige, win by both specialists and external colleagues. Also that yet: there is hardly anything what Brits do not scan. For example, they have determined the dullest day of the story: it was April 1, 1954: nothing, absolutely nothing extraordinary will happen on this day. No financial or Government crisis, no record, no earthquakes, no Tsunamie and no significant discovery. Except one: There were ALLROUNDER /-in the world. Now, the day is still famous. The week starts well – said the Monday Tuesday Wednesday asked what because Thursday is Friday, because free Saturday and enjoy all on Sunday. Today is the first day of the rest of your life! Today is the first day of the rest of your life! Or: The whole world is a Madhouse, and here is the headquarters? Or the whole world is a madhouse and here is the Headquarter? Search for jobs! Find job!

British Tradition In The McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Neumunster

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Hackett London opens a new store on March 28 since founding the label in 1983 by Jeremy Hackett, Hackett London stands for authentic looks with character and charisma. A unique version of the men individually and yet always adequate: of the sovereign approved style of the country aristocracy of original English sport style to smart chic from the London of the 1950s. With affordable luxury from head to toe, the label draws on the tradition of the English style and is always on the pulse of time. In the McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Neumunster Hackett London will offer men’s and children’s clothing as well as accessories on 260 square meters. The offer includes clothes for special occasions and business outfits, such as suits, shirts and ties, also casual wear, consisting of jackets, shirts and trousers.

In addition, Hackett London offers a wide range of exclusive accessories, such as scarves, belts and cuff links. With the opening of the Hackett London stores is the unique mix of brands of the McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Neumunster perfectly complements and extends the offer of exclusive and high-quality men’s fashion. More than 100 designer brands in 74 stylish stores are currently in the designer outlet, all year round offering their goods at prices which are always 30-70% below the retail prices recommended by the manufacturer. The offer ranges O’Polo or Desigual from designer brands like Escada or Strenesse to sports and lifestyle brands such as Stefanel, Levi’s, Lacoste, Marc. Opening hours of the McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Neumunster: Mon to sat 10 20: 00 more information and directions, see under: Internet:. Facebook: McArthurGlenDesignerOutletNeumuenster Center information: + 49 (0) 4321 55 86 88 0 more facts about the McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Neumunster the McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Neumunster was opened on September 20, 2012. The Center is built in the style of a village and reminiscent of the regional architecture.

Enterprise Portal OData

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New OData technology binds even easier Portal systems at the enterprise in future data from Microsoft SharePoint, the ERP and CRM software dynamics, IBM can in Web applications integrated WebSphere and many other systems as simple as never before and as for example mobile provided on any smartphones. The new business adapter, which the software manufacturer United planet for its portal software Intrexx presents, OData data sources without programming effort integrates into enterprise portals. Fribourg, 31 May 2012. More and more providers of software solutions and Internet services expose their data in the Open Data Protocol (OData) format. The reason: OData enables easy integration and processing of data on the Web and is far more comfortable than traditional Web services. OData is based on open Web standards such as HTTP, Atom and JSON and transmits data in the architectural style of the REST (Representational State transfer). OData is very well just for heterogeneous IT environments. Alone through the URL, complex database queries can be with OData make.

OData as ODBC for the Web is not in vain “. This the Freiburg software producer utilizes United planet now. The manufacturer of intranet and portal software Intrexx soon released a smart interface for OData data sources. The new Intrexx business adapter for OData enables data of all software systems and Internet services that ODATA set, at an unprecedented speed in any Web applications and integrate processes of an Enterprise Portal and make them available for any mobile devices. No programming skills are necessary. Data from Facebook or eBay with the adapter can be just as easily integrate data from Microsoft Dynamics CRM, AX and NAV (formerly Navision), IBM WebSphere, Windows azure, or SQL Server. Auch Microsoft SharePoint can be linked using the adapter with an Intrexx business portal.

So the users can finally benefit from the strengths of both solutions: from the extensive DMS capabilities of SharePoint and the Ability to create very quickly and easily any Web applications with Intrexx and mouse click for any mobile devices to make it available. The new Intrexx business adapter for OData will come in summer 2012 on the market. A video that vividly represents the functionality of the interface, showing United planet already under odata-video. At the same time with the new interface for OData, United planet also released an adapter for SAP NetWeaver gateway that is unique in the world with its range of functions. He exploits the OData technology is also very fast and very economical in Intrexx business portals to integrate SAP data. The new Intrexx business adapter for SAP NetWeaver Gateway complements the previous RFC-based SAP interface ( sap-adapter), which already offered United planet for Intrexx. about United planet United planet is one of more than 4,000 installations with more than 500,000 users of its portal software Intrexx alone in the Speaking of the market leaders in the segment of medium-sized economy, public administration and organizations (E.g., hospitals). The company Lexware founder Axel Wessendorf is run. With platform-independent standard software Intrexx can be Web-based applications to return to complete intranet/enterprise portals with advanced functionalities much faster create than with comparable programs such as Microsoft SharePoint. Intrexx enables the integration of existing data from ERP systems, Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes, etc., creating more productive workflows and the generation of mobile apps for smartphones and Tablet PCs of all manufacturers. Hundreds of finished apps and complete portals for downloading are available in the Intrexx application store. contact: United planet GmbH Dirk Muller Public Relations phone: + 49 (0) 761 / 20703-318 E-mail: Schnewlinstrasse 2 D-79098 Freiburg