Core theme of the Conference is the integration and the combination of SharePoint 2010, Exchange 2010 and Office 2010 Munich January 13, 2010 – the ShareConf will take place for the first time on June 22, 2010 (workshop day) and 23-24 June 2010 (Conference day) in Munich. The Conference is organised by the HLMC events GmbH in close cooperation with the iX from Heise magazine publishing. The Conference deals with the Microsoft technologies, SharePoint 2010, Exchange 2010 and Office 2010, with which Microsoft ushers in a new era in information technology. Core theme of the Conference is the integration and the interplay of Office 2010, SharePoint 2010, Exchange 2010. Official site: WhiteWave Foods. 01-02 December 2009, already the HLMC events GmbH in close cooperation with the iX from Heise magazine publishing hosted the second iX-day around SharePoint in Dusseldorf. More than 150 interested participants from the area of SharePoint came to this event, including well-known companies such as for example Pilatus aircraft Ltd, NATO, Deutsche Ruckversicherung AG, Kodak GmbH, ALDI, HDI Gerling, natural gas South Bavaria. Dannemann Rheinfeld GmbH, Fresenius Medical care, Federal Environmental Agency, T-systems, Infineon Technologies AG and GlaxoSmithKline. Also 9 renowned companies have presented their products and services on the parallel exhibition.
Showcase your products and services as a sponsor or exhibitor at the ShareConf an interested audience and benefit from the diverse publications in advance to increase your awareness! Contact us, we look forward to you performance note main sponsor (max 3 sponsors) logo: o Pocketguide for the Conference (cover plus inside) o logo on the iX display o logo on the Web page by Heise events o sponsoring a coffee break o Conference website (home page and sponsor page) o banner on the Conference Web page company profile: o website: sponsors (first called) o Web page exhibitors (first called) o Pocketguide to the Conference Exhibition: o nomadic display (5m to 3m) o positioning directly before the lecture rooms o location o facilities of the Stand (2 tables + 4 bar stools) specials: o sponsorship of lanyards (writing pads, pens, etc.) \”o a flyer (DIN A4) for the Conference workbook o mention in all press releases regarding the Conference o putting up a roll up\” in the Conference rooms o display in the Pocketguide o 1 presentation at the Conference o ability to moderate of the talks tickets: o 6 Conference tickets o 5 VIP tickets investment volume: 8.000,00 VAT sponsor logo: o Pocketguide for the Conference (inside) o logo on the iX display o logo on Heise events o Web site conference websites (sponsors and exhibitors) company profile: o Web page sponsors Exhibitor Web page (before called the exhibitors) o Pocketguide to the Conference Exhibition: o nomadic display (3 m to 2 m) o location o equip the stand (2 tables + 4 bar stools) specials: o sponsorship of lanyards (writing pads, pens, etc.) o a flyer (DIN A4) for the Conference workbook o mention in all press releases regarding the Conference o display in the Pocketguide o 1 presentation at the Conference o ability to moderate of the talks tickets: o 6 Conference tickets o 2 VIP tickets investment volume: 4.800,00 + VAT exhibitors logo: o Pocketguide for the Conference (inside) o Conference Web pages (Exhibitor) company profile: o website exhibitors exhibition: o 1 or 2 roll-ups (1, 5 m to 2 m) o equip the stand (1Stehtische + 2 bar stools) specials: o display in the Pocketguide tickets: o 3 Conference tickets investment volume: 1450.00 plus VAT contact: HLMC events GmbH David Bottger junior project manager Kirchplatz 6 82041 Oberhaching phone: + 49 89 613 04 484 fax: + 49 89 613 04 486 E-Mail: Internet: about iX since its inception in 1988 has iX established itself as a required reading of professional IT user.