Tag Archives: biblical studies

Biblical Presence

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One more time I ask this certainty? Evident that this making a mistake. The Christian has that to live intensely the presence of God all the moment. That I do not want to compare your life with mine, therefore already said that life individual spiritual and, but for the favour of God I am always in contact with the word, louvor, and feel the presence of God always to such point to be reading some Biblical message who I receive in the Orkut and it speaks so deep to my heart that start to cry and to speak inside in strange languages of my house or then when I am hearing louvor hymns the God. But a thing I worry in making, exactly in way to the many fights that I face I create an environment where God can act in my life. Now if you only feel the presence of God in the church as that this versicle is justified.

TM 28: here it is that I am with you every day, until the consumption of the centuries. As not to every day feel the presence of God if IT this with us and all the moment, you cannot content in feeling the presence of God alone in the church. Jo 14:23 Answered Jesus to it: If to love somebody, it will keep me my word; to my will love it Father, and turns it, and will make in it dwelling. The great secret of you to be habitation of God, and to love the Christ, and to practise the word of it, of this form, IT will live in your interior. Then it will be impossible not to live the presence of God intensely. If you only feel the presence of God in the cults and hour to inside review your concepts of the Christianity for what God wants for you, what says the versicle that if follows.

Jo 10:10 I came so that they have life they have and it in abundance. This versicle does not only speak of abundance of good, but mainly of the abundance of the presence of God. Conclusion That good for knowing that God and not limited as the human being, but that at the same time where it this inside of me, this also in you, this also in your house. IT and your God and non-separable friend, for innumerable reasons loves intensely this all powerful God, who for the fact of being onipresente this here in Brazil and the remaining portion of the world leading all luck of blessing for your son that they live the presence of it intensely.

The Bible

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But God did not hinder them to have decision to disobey, gave yes to the order so that he did not make it, therefore the day who made would suffer the consequences of this disobedience, that was equivalent to be separate of God, that is, of the life, and would be in condition of death, separate of Its Creator and without its communion, because of the disobedience would take that it to know what it is I oppose the God and to contaminate it with the presence of badly that it of gradual form would be in. The disobedience happened first between the angels, the Satan started to have knowledge of the good and evil being seduced one tera part of the angels, convincing to disobey. Although not He has register of as It had access to this knowledge, knows to set that when knowing the evil it started to have plans that the will of God opposed, therefore it was the first one to disobey the God trying the evil and becoming this its form of being and existing. The Satan are the proper nimbleness of the evil as form of being, that is, a being badly for pleasure and condemned option and forever in this condition, God condemned thus it. The Bible tells that it changeds itself together with its ministers of angel of goodness or Light, therefore it knows what it is good and when makes wants it, but with the purpose to attract somebody for a trap and a deceit and to make it prisoner of its maldosas action. Thus the incredulous World lies in the malignant one. The man also knows the good, but he exactly has in itself the headquarters of the evil, and he cannot inhabit with God if this will badly not be removed of its being, that is, if it not to come back to the sanctity state that God only can operate in it of complete form.

Gazzarrini Renascida

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for the health of the son at least, but in hour where it received the notice from the death of the same, if recomps, were fed and given an agreement lesson to its: it had made everything what he could be carried through during the period of life of the son, could not be made absolutely more nothing for its son dead came back, in other words, Davi dedicated the son to it when still he had life in it. Certainly a great example for us all the life of Davi, since its adolescence until the advanced age, in special in the salmos that wrote praising the God and displaying the situations, nor good and always comfortable, that to its made it enemies to pass. I taste very of salmo 27:4, therefore it accurately reflects the attitudes of King Davi before Mr. and the clear vision that priority in asking for the God had of the importance, and searching of it, not only at the moment of the outcry and the order, but the objective clearly that he had the king in its heart and that in them is an excellent example: to every day search the God of our lives, so that let us have the possibility of knows-LO and to see Its Saint beauty! ' ' A thing I asked for to SIR, I will search and it: that Mr. of my life can live every day in the house, to contemplate the formosura Mr., and to inquire in its templo.' ' Salmo Davi 27:4 had courage, determination and humildade before God, therefore wise person who the prominence gotten in its way was originated for the power the holy ghost, asset in its life. This is certainly a great Biblical example all we to reflect on as we have walked with God! On behalf of Jesus. Mnica Gazzarrini Renascida in Christ since 2004, scholar of the Evangelho, writer, administrator of companies, accountant, specialist in marketing. It visits articles and books of the writer on the walked one with God in: ' ' Jesus Christ is you ' '