Tag Archives: culture

Jeanne Friske Seminovich

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News of show business has always held the audience. For example, Anna Semenovich, no less than other stars, trying to keep secret from the media his personal life. People such as Jack Fusco would likely agree. Currently, almost all secret boyfriend who is now the star. Journalists have no choice as to learn more about her personal life with her former partners. For example, Daniel Mishin shared with reporters indiscreet details about their relationship at a time when her singing career only developed. Still, the ads went to a star just for future use. After parting with Mishin, S. has repeatedly been seen at social get-togethers in the company of respectable middle-aged men.

He was the unanimous opinion of friends Anna watching his course of action in the world, far removed from the world of show business. At this gossip about the stars do not end there, because Anna Semenovich – a tasty morsel for journalists. The most interesting news in the world of stars, even more exciting than the global crisis, there were news about Anna Semenovich relations and Jeanne Friske. Problems in relations between the Russian stars began in the days when they both sang in "The Shining." When Zhanna Friske left the group 'brilliant', she told journalists the details of their relationship. Zhanna Friske took care only about their reputation, not thinking at the same time about emotions and feelings of others. Not hiding and that the fact that Anna was not invited to the wedding and Friske, to be held in February. ‘>מיכאל מירילשוילי שמבין יותר ממני. Anna, of course, considers himself injured. Their rivalry with Joan in popularity, which eventually made them enemies, there was still with the team 'Brilliant'.

After leaving the group and pursue a solo career, Friske became popular, beloved, paid the Russian star. Its popularity has grown even more after her part in 'Ice period '. Anna reacted jealously to violent glory of Joan and also hastened to speak on the ice. But all efforts in order to get to the wedding Friske, were in vain. The guest list is already compiled and invitations are no longer in sight. Through some time were exaggerated news about the new Janna Friske. Jeanne was already tired from implausible rumors about her personal life, in particular, the relationship with the skater Vladimir Novikov. She decided to dissociate itself from all the time in Miami Beach. According to her spokeswoman, these inventions are without any facts and are extremely unreliable, which is very annoying singer.

Moscow Art Theater

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Every age, every generation has its own priority literary trend, which has its own talents and, of course, the fans. But not all of the writers who consider themselves to be talented, really are. Which of them is really talented, it will become clear, not when their books are bought today with a bang (possibly a momentary fame or a good ad campaign) and not when they could have simply matured ideologically, according to today's era, the works are textbook for students in middle school, which learn a few generations. It is clear will have you truly significant contribution to the literature, or find a literature your face worthy representative of scribes only when the many, many years can you be called a classic writer, and every intelligent person would consider an honor to see myself in your library '> Work>. Only then will we say with confidence that you really have made a significant contribution to this art form as literature. Time not only heals, but putting everything in its place.

Who would have thought that Bulgakov, for example, living almost in poverty, surviving on wages of the district doctor, and then, laboring in a small newspaper reporter just after his death would be really popular and widely read author. Although there is no. There was also a leading figure in this national, and indeed, world literature, his takeoff. After running his play set in the Moscow Art Theater. But the glory and the big fees flew a little too quickly and quietly. Bulgakov died unappreciated genius in close communal apartment.

Literature, like any other art form, has always reflected the era in which they lived, representatives of the kind of creativity. Books written during the Renaissance, or rebirth, pierced spirit of humanism. It was at that time (from 14 to 16 century), originated in France and was developing rapidly throughout the world the idea that the man – the crown of creation and that's enough to belittle and intimidate the church and feudalism. Humanism encouraged person to disclose his creativity, because that God created man in His own image and likeness. What else can we be like our Creator, but the fact that they themselves become the creators, including the creators of their own happiness. In Renaissance literature, one can distinguish several genres. The most popular genre was the genre of short stories. As for poetry, the sonnet became popular here (stanza, consisting of fourteen lines, with a characteristic rhyme). Growing rapidly, with the help of Shakespeare and Lope de Vega's plays. It is from the Renaissance starts the genre of literary work as journalism and philosophical works. Era Communism and socialism developed in the former Soviet Union expressed in the works devoted to the socialist writers of the Communist Party. In these works, pronounced cult of Lenin Lenin and his follower – Stalin. That's literary works are succinctly and honestly describe to us the past.

European Clubs

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Clubs appear, but all of them, with few exceptions, similar to each other, if not appearance, the quality of music and services. Any comparison of the national club culture in Europe, unfortunately, are not in favor of the first. But of course everything is not so gloomy. Let us not forget that the first night clubs in Europe appeared in a few decades earlier than in Russia, so we have room to grow and attain to the level at someone. And if you attain to the level, then at best.

One of the most fashionable places in Paris today – it’s Buddha-Bar. This club has found its popularity in the mid-90s of the 20th century. Buddha Bar was born thanks to a group of DJs at the head of the famous Claude Schall, whom many call the father of Parisian bohemia. Exotic interior (a huge statue of Buddha (8 x 5 m), decorative elements of a Buddhist temple), aromas of exotic essences, Asian food, ethnic music have made it extremely attractive place for a stellar public. With remarkable regularity, club launches CDs with unique musical content, with a circulation of more than 300 thousand copies. And the high entrance fee – 50 – indeed justified. One of the most fashionable clubs in London – Fabric. To play here, here arranged in turn even the legendary DJ’s.

One of the highlights of the club – a vibrating floor, on Fridays here dance breaks, hip-hop, drum and bass, and on Saturdays – tech house and electro. Despite the celebrity establishment, dress code, the most loyal: sneakers jeans, t-shirts, plus a good mood. And all the fun for only 15. Club 11 – this is a bar and restaurant, and a center for contemporary art, and one of the best dance floors in Amsterdam. Facility is located on the 11th floor of the tower post. After 20.00 on the walls begin demonstrations of various photo installation. For the remote control work the best DJs the world of electronic music. The undoubted benefits of the club includes a magnificent view over Amsterdam and surreal design. New trends in European club culture – environmental clubs. Examples include Surya in London and Watt in Rotterdam. These clubs are using unconventional methods of generating electricity – from the sun cells and wind turbines to the special sex on the dance floor, a mechanism which allows to generate electricity, while visitors dance. Before such innovations Russian clubs, of course, continue to grow and grow. However, it is Now, when the market nightclubs close to full, domestic club movement should move to a new level. The youth of today are spoiled and jaded entertainment, which it can provide a night life in the capital today. Times require new solutions and quality music. Today, night clubs will win the audience a unique concept, service quality and originality of the proposed entertainment.

Theory Vermeer

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They are interested in a more noble occupation, requiring concentrated thoughtfulness. Even in those subjects where is present hint of indecorous, the characters retain their dignity and distinguished aristocratic manners. On risque connotations tells us only the language of symbols, such as a glass of lemonade in the hands of a girl talking about is not noble inclinations standing next to the gentleman. Without knowing the values of these characters, we hardly doubt the moral purity of the main characters of Vermeer. VII. Conclusion A comparative analysis of genre works Vermeer’s Delft, and Jan Steen, we see that artists have a completely different interpretation of everyday scenes. Carrying out their orders to the highest aristocratic circles of Holland, Vermeer transforms everyday scenes into more inspired by comparison with stenovskimi.

His characters are calm and thoughtful, immersed in a world of their experience, inaccessible to us, while the heroes harlemskogo genre painter in every way the audience are invited to join him. Vermeer avoids overt allusions to the indecorous happening, giving aristocratic manners of people who commit immoral acts. Interestingly the difference in the understanding of the role of the artist and his creativity. While Stan strongly emphasizes its membership and loyalty crowd, the artist Vermeer takes an entirely different status, elevated to the rank of the Creator, and the process of artistic creation becomes sacred. List of sources used: 1. Two examples of interpretation.