Tag Archives: design

Bulbs For Lighting Homes

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Lighted house is always in sight and avoid strangers ego.Svet not have to be strong, but deathly pale and uncomfortable is not worth delat. lighting system can add to the look of the house, creating a pleasant atmosphere for residents and gostey.Dlya planning the lighting system must be considered: the size of the territory, efficiency and service life of lamps and light quality. Incandescent lamps used to illuminate the interior home and they are most deshevy.Volframovy halo is more expensive, but also radiates more sveta.Rtutnye lamps are more efficient than galogenovymi.Ne recommended the use of standard lamps, which give a sharp bluish light, more suitable for light industrial space than adjacent to the house . lamps emit a soft and warm svet.Flyurorestsentnye lamps cost less than mercury, but at least emit svet.Natrievye lamps are the longest, but the light they did not ochen.On resembles a cemetery during a full moon. A leading source for info: Sonny Perdue. Do your hands photocell-controlled light switch that turns on or off the lamp when it neobhodimo. use a light source with built-in photocell, or connect several lighting devices to a single fotodatchiku.No a disadvantage when the photocell fails, all attached light sources are no longer funktsionirovat.V any case, every source of light in the house to provide a mechanical switch that is not accounted for in case of need to check that night. Placement of light sources is as important as the choice of tipa.Suschestvuet three main types of layouts: you can position lights at the house, attach them to walls or under eaves roof, placing them on the ground and on trees, poles or special racks, some sources placed on the house, and another part on trees, poles and zemle.Vybor depends on the overall planning doma.Tolko not need to turn the house into the territory of the runway, but only to scare off uninvited .Lampu with vstrennym photocell with their own hands to establish prosto.Dlya that you want to extend a new cable from the lamp and switch to the junction box and the box itself connected to the mains. How else can make the house safe..

The Contact

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With one first reading of the title and forward edge or they will possibly have decided if it can be interesting, or definitively, it is not it, and your message goes directly to the recycling wastebasket. 2. The press note must be brief, clear, concise and informative. With a page it is sufficient. You do not tell your life them. It remembers that in fact, they previously were not interested.

You have been your who you have sent a message to them. If they think that he is interesting and they need more information, you do not worry, already will be put in contact with you. Official site: Arthur Sadoun. The best way to avoid complaints about message nonasked for, is to send a brief note, informing into the subject, and asking for permission to send one more a longer note with more information. 3. The date writes in the left least upper bound, names, telephone and direction of electronic mail of the contact person, as well as to be published date. Example: Date of the day. For immediate publication Person of contact. Telephone of the contact person.

Email of the contact person. 4. The title and the first paragraph are most important. It must summarize the objective of the note of press in a few lines: who, where, what, when. You do not use signs of exclamation nor excessively long phrases. It avoids adjectives like " fabuloso" , " maravilloso" , " nico" , etc. Must be written up in the style of mass media to which you go. If the means are very " formal" , you do not send something too informal. If the means are informal, you do not send a message serious and/or excessively pedantic. 5. Honest and you do not put more flowers of those than it has. For example, you do not say that you offer a product or a service, if in fact, at the moment you do not offer it.

Republic March

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What must be understood is that the policy ceased to be a space of action individually or uni-organizativo to become a great network of networks of information transmission, building coalitions and alliances and in articulation of political pressure. In his PostScript on the societies of control, Gilles Deleuze reminds us of the process, with Foucault, of disciplinary societies of the 18th and 19th centuries, in fullness in the early 20th century, where man spends confined space enclosed space, i.e. the family, school, barracks, factory and, eventually, prison, which would be the perfect analogue model. This model would be brief, just substitute calls societies of sovereignty, where death is more organized than life. Deleuze considers the end of World War II as the point of precipitation of new forces and the onset of the crisis of what we call civil society. In other words, they enter with force the societies of control that it replaces the disciplinary societies. Virilio talks so control outdoors as opposed to old enclosed spaces.

The great diagnosis made on this process, there is no doubt, Foucault, but is Deleuze who must resort to understand the old mould change to what he calls modulations. Modulation is constantly changing, adapting, becomes flexible. The key is that in disciplinary societies always began something, while in the control is never completed anything, the important thing is not even the mass, but the figure. I.e., we have ceased to be individuals to become dividuos. There is no doubt the mutation: we are in the era of services, the old capitalist way of production disappeared. I have defined this was like the speed, well, control is fast, changing, continuous, unlimited. If some terrorists placed explosive collars to their victims, the society of control puts us an electronic collar.

This Republic passing, backward, lifeline, repeats. This Republic March toward when there was no Republic. We return to be a possibility of Republic, a theoretical tired, tired eventually, tired dreamed by the first intellectuals who decided to address the issue of this nation and its path. We are putting in a return to reconstruct civility and in the way of return to the old theme of civilization and barbarism. For what I have I have a negative response. It must be a democracy of the 21st century, should be given to this country of tools allowing you to exit the unconsciousness of the setbacks, we must extinguish the bilious gaze. Here only laughter that fits is on Mimetic efforts of the caudillo, on the old language and old returnees approaches as if here there had been four decades of civilian Governments. What fits here is rebuilding ideas, give you a kick in the butt to the nineteenth-century Venezuela and the sesentona Venezuela to make him understand that we are in the 21st century. This country needs thought, not down-signatories; This nation needs who the tempt the greatness of spirit, not amodorrados in silence; This country needs who projected a new system politician, not those who come to repeat the old rotten language or to become objects of psychiatric study. You must create new fields of historicity, to use words of Alain Touraine. This implies to abandon old themes that insist on putting on the table avoiding serious discussion on new modes of the duty to be of the social body.