Tag Archives: industry

Certificate CNG

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MV Frunze. Company of PEC "Sumygazmash" Fifteen years is a serial manufacturer of CNG filling stations, CNG, CNG-gazorazdatochnyh columns 1, CNG-2 and other gas-powered equipment. The company is located in Sumy, today the company employs staff of 300 employees. Integration of equipment allows you to create gas stations with capacity from 40 to 1,000 or more fillings per day. Factory quality system complies with international standard ISO 9001:2000.

AGNK equipment certified in Ukraine (Certificate of Compliance UkrSEPRO UA 1.036.0034184-01) All CNG stations have Certificate of the Russian Federation ROSS UA.A45. VO1387 and resolution the application, issued by the federal supervision of the mining industry of Russia RRS 02 – 8033. NGV filling stations for many years successfully operated on the territory of Ukraine, Russia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Georgia and Moldova. All models of CNG stations, manufactured by companies that are designed to fuel cars, buses, special vehicles and agricultural equipment with compressed natural gas (methane). Gas through CNG is a complicated technological process and compressed to a pressure of 22-25 psi (220-250 kg/cm2), and then injected into the cylinders as motor vehicle fuel, ready to use. In contrast to the large NGV filling stations of the station is easily located on a small area near the road or the fleet. Gas is consumed in urban gas supply, and of the main pipelines.

In addition, CNG can be installed at gas stations, local, in the wells for the extraction of methane, as well as installed on the oil wells with associated methane. Mounting of the station you must install the equipment CNG to prepared foundations and make a connection to the gas and electricity network. Water for technological purposes is not applicable. Heating in the technological blocks are not required. CNG stations operate in automatic and semiautomatic modes. Automatic system controls the parameters of the station, switch on and off, as well as automatic shut-off station at output parameters exceed the limits. "Firm" Servisgaz "Evpatoria for the period from 1997 to 2005, has commissioned more than 60 CNG filling stations in Ukraine, releasing with 120 units of compressor units. Main production site was "Evpatoria experimental mechanical plant with a production area of 7,000 m2 and a staff strength of 250. In order to expand production and improve technical performance The brand "Servisgaz" acquired a controlling stake in Simferopol Machinery Plant "Progress" and set up a joint venture with Ural Compressor Plant – OOO NPF "Servisgaz." Today OOO "NPF" Servisgaz "supplies the following equipment for CNG filling stations under the brand name" SKIF : 1. Compressor units with a low inlet pressure of GS-2, 3 / 400, NH-3, 7 / 200, HS-4, 2/200G; ami-5, 1 / 250. 2. Compressor units with a high input pressure AGSH-8/4-250; AGSH-9/7-250: AGSH-10/13-250. 3. Device for filling car with gas methane RAG-20. 4. Column for the refueling of cars with methane gas, SCG-1. 5. Batteries gas KD-700. 6. Unit of gas dehydration. The largest manufacturer of automotive filling stations in Ukraine is also of Sumy. MV Frunze. Typically, the full range of CNG implementation: design, equipment supply, installation, training specialists, sales service and repairs performed manufacturers and suppliers of CNG filling stations. They will help you in carrying out feasibility studies for implementation such equipment, so that your business has been profitable.

The Importance Of Geological Studies

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Do not forget that important part of the geological survey and the first necessary event for the erection of any building. Here is an example of history that has occurred over 12 years ago, in the summer of 1998. It shows how to save geological evidence leads to disastrous consequences. The Federation Council has long needed a proper outlet manifold, and in early 1998 it was decided to begin the construction of a collector street under large Dmitrov. As the geological materials were taken pre-war studies made in the construction of the subway. But the construction of subway and its approaches to the requirements of research: exploration wells were drilled with step 50-70 meters, and therefore was not noticed by mainstream underground river.

And had information that the river is in the wrong place, since the building of the area showed signs of ancient settlements, and the ancients generally settled on rivers, but these data were ignored. And instead of an analysis of contemporary SNiPs that involve more of the net wells, construction began on the old data. And the result? In early June, mass of water with soil from the bed of the river unrecorded, broke into the reservoir and quickly flooded it. The workers were present at the time in the tunnel barely managed to escape. formed on the surface of the failure of more than 750 meters and a quadrant depth of 15 meters. The ancient building, which stood nearby was destroyed. In the horrible failure of a few cars, fortunately there were no casualties.

Collector restored over a year. To this was spent serious money. But just This could have been avoided if proper geological training. Modern equipment has a mass of geological resources, which provide a complete picture of groundwater. It is up to integrity of the builder. However, even the unscrupulous developer needs to understand – saving on geological prospecting, ultimately he may lose much more.

Site Equipment

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If this 'unbribable' timber to put in the production of fuel pellets, the output will be pure profit. In this case, the cost of complex changes dramatically. Raw material for granulation. Material humidity (max.) – 12% fraction of raw material – 1,5 5 mm pellet manufacturing process. Granulation technology is widely known and used worldwide. Produce pellets of dry milled material learned long ago. Most offered a high-tech equipment, which is an integrated plant.

Particular attention should be paid exactly for industrial purpose pellets. It is impossible to produce high quality artisanal products, as well, such as plywood or particleboard. The minimum price of such a plant – from 500 thousand euros and above. However, the higher the productivity, the lower the payback period. Preliminary estimates from the productivity of 3 tons / h have shown that the payback period will be not much more than 2-2.5 years, subject to taking a loan or lease about 15%. What should be the production? If you intend to produce high quality wood pellets from raw material having a non-constant humidity and different sizes, containing impurities such as sand, then plant needed, consisting of the following areas and equipment: – Store raw materials – a chipper, shredder hammer and gorohota – dryer – Granulator – System for cooling granules – storage for finished goods – equipment for removing dusts from granules – Site packaging products Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of site materials. The largest particle size of crushed dried wood must not exceed half the diameter of the finished pellets.

Progressive Methods Of Casting In The Present Conditions

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Forming foundry market determines the appearance of a number of requirements to produce quality castings and castings, primarily the competitiveness and profitability of production of castings. Particular attention is paid commodity type of product, cost and timeliness of delivery. This is due to the objective processes of disintegration of large enterprises to small and medium-sized independent foundries that are interested in profitable sales. Recovery of obsolete processes, equipment and communications requires considerable expenses, but can not provide the current level of production. Therefore, great interest is the contemporary processes of casting in the form of cold-mixes (HTS), in form, manufactured by a vacuum film forming (APF), Investment Casting (LPM) and casting on gasified models (LGM). Except for the LPM, the technological process does not require highly skilled workers who can produce castings presentation at relatively low cost to the organization and production. They have a certain flexibility and mobility, which is very important and seriality mnogonomenklaturnosti foundry products. Table 1 Indicators of different types of casting in the manufacture of precision castings are compared with process indicators in the form of dry sand (FS), adopted as a unit.

To produce the most attractive processes of casting and LGM APF, the first – when casting a split, and the second – one-piece form. They allow obtain the surface quality of castings at the LPM, and the process of LGM provides high accuracy and stable casts mnogonomenklaturnost and mass production. Cost of casting practically reduced to 1.5 – 2 times. Some of the advantages of these processes – in the absence of a binder and re-use sand mixture (sand). Let us dwell on the process of LGM to cook the most promising process for the manufacture of precision castings. To date this process has been transformed with many special sub-casting and became one of the most attractive, especially for a unit, serial and mass production.