Tag Archives: medicine

Exacerbation Of Herpes – How To Cope And To Prevent

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bad things will never get rid of … Types of Herpes There are three types of herpes. Herpes simplex of the first type is the cause sores in the mouth. Herpes simplex of the second type affects the genitals. The third type is is also seen in vesicular rash, but in the genital area. Sexually transmitted and also periodically exacerbated. More often affects women.

Periodic genital manifestation – a clear indication of reduced vitality of the body. Varicella (chickenpox) – the virus affects children. The virus can sleep in the fabric for years, intensified it multiplies and spreads to the nervous tissue and is manifested in the form of shingles. Its manifestations – rashes, burning pain in lower back, shoulders and face. NO outbreaks of herpes! It is believed that herpes is not supplied complete recovery. However, there are ways to avoid outbreaks of herpes and can be good cards still overcome it. Diet.

A balanced, aimed at strengthening the immune system. Additional amounts of vitamins A, C, E. Of trace elements especially useful zinc. On the suppliers of those components of the diet, I have often written in red meat. Zinc supplements delay the development of the first type of herpes. On the vitamin C will say otherwise, that the first outbreak of herpes (itching) technique together with vitamin F in two out of three prevents the appearance of rash. It should be to stop or reduce consumption of alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, which weaken the immune system. Avoid hypothermia and solar thermal shock. Practice shows that a herpes outbreak follows the hypothermia and prolonged sun exposure. Increased immunity. A million times about writing this, but only when talking about the fight against chronic prostatitis. If you pay attention, and herpes and chronic prostatitis has many improving the physical condition of the body fight off infection, given the specificity of the disease.

Dreaming – Process Of Cognition

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Scientists found that during dreaming the brain works surprisingly smoothly and actively. This activity is even more concentrated than when thinking about any details. Previously thought that mental activity is easy ensured by a network of brain operations, but to really solve the complex problems of the executive body of the brain, which consists of the prefrontal cortical areas and dorsal cingulate zone. Recently conducted a simple experiment, the essence of which was that participants reaped a button as soon as they saw the number on the screen. The screen was located approximately at eye level. And with the help of magnetic resonance imaging recorded the activity brain subjects, and, of course, watching the person's attention. Experience has revealed law that the executive organ of the brain is activated, no less during the dreams of people. Thus, we can make a bold conclusion that during dreaming the brain produces no less work than solving a crossword.

Involving almost all parts of the brain. Some people find the condition in dreams sometimes take up to one third of all waking hours. And all this time the person is in a deep state of knowledge, that is, not giving yourself a report that he subconsciously solves real vital life problems. By the way, scientists have concluded that such a state as prostration. Usually it is accompanied by laziness and carelessness. This condition is similar to daydreaming, but differs from the latter. Now you can safely advise people to dream more, because this process is actually very helpful for the psychological state of man and for life. Thus, the reverie is not a vice. Of course, to live among mechatmi can not but be very very pragmatic man, too, is wrong.

Camilla Service

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As a child, imitating the adults around, copying everything we see around us, we often turn to games in daughters and mothers, school, war, the hospital and, of course, shopping. In the latter, following the order, then we become buyers, then sellers. Watching the game, notice how a child performs with abandon everything, what should a seller. Looking at him, then suddenly could not help thinking: maybe before you next minister of trade or a good salesman? On child's play is difficult to predict their future profession of the child. One thing is certain, that one in ten of them choose for themselves is trading profession, every fortieth will work in the sphere of consumer services. Year by year prestige of occupations classified as service grows.

More and more young people would be willing to link their fate with a professional service activities, unfortunately, not always by nature, in agreement with noble impulses of the soul. I suggest you test yourself by answering the question, which will show whether the right career choices made by you? On a blank sheet of paper, write a unique essay on 'What is discuss? '. Try to express its concern to the service of another person, the masses of people. Now let's see which of the three identified by psychologists in accordance with people you think of an answer in the book. For a number of years, this question, psychologists, we ask all people, both students and factory workers, and researchers, not just those whose work is connected with the provision of public services. Similar to yours, answer-essay collected more than 1,000. After any appropriate analysis on the basis of 'emotional color man's relation to maintenance activities' they divided them into three groups: neutral, positive n negative. It is noteworthy that nature of the relationship to the activities related to the service, expressed in the responses, manifested as a profession, and at home, when we deal with any request to relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and notice how no carved each of them reacts to it. There are a lot of articles on psychology sites Beauty will save the world – of family psychology, everything in the world – children spihologiya, Camilla – general psychology.