Tag Archives: politics

Managing Director

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The pension. With a motif that is publicized, the social Association of Germany e.V. (SoVD) gives new impetus. Salt communications designed the new action subject to the building of the SoVD in Berlin. Nobody likes apparently leads the discussion on pensions there are only losers.

That is why this discussion needs something it can ignite and thus salt received the order for the development of the new motif of the SoVD protest action. The motif was unveiled on 30 June on the facade of the Berlin SoVD main building before media representatives. “It linked the question and how you need to improve your pension?” with a provocatively ambiguous motif. The SoVD so committed to preserving the value of the pensions”a. With over half a million members, the Association represents the interests of pensioners, legally insured patients and advocates social justice. Only with a motive that provokes and polarizes the discussion at all levels of society can be triggered again”, is also Alf Arnold, Managing Director of salt.

Images: One It gives a first impression under blog.salz-berlin.de for additional material, please contact:. Salt communications Berlin is an owner-run communications agency from Berlin. We implement internal and external communication in traditional and new media. So are cross-media concepts that make the experience complex products. Contact management: Alf Arnold, salt communication Berlin GmbH, Oranienburger str. 26, d-10117 Berlin phone: + 49 (30) 345062-30 fax: + 49 (30) 345062-35

United Nations

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Sarrazin theses demand answers as cause for a new discussion – renewable cash of Sarrazin and here is one. The design idea, the addition to today’s systems. We establish a world Central Bank, independently of all existing databases and name: “World basic supply fed” a long Word and a long way. The current world banks and central banks are not affected and will go to continue their work. We supplement the system with what’s wrong with him with: “More democracy, freedom and genuine added value for the community” and the worldwide. We finish this unspeakable, non-functioning solidarity system in which we give everyone what he needs, what he currently does not have.

Next is to start: the “world supply company,” who assumes entire works, bureaucracy, control and monitoring, the established world basic supply reserve, for its members, for such there will be. This company is financed by the “world power reserve”. World supply reserve and “World supply company” are a unit that is politically neutral added to our current systems. This supplementary scheme will set everything and solve all problems worldwide. The legislative responsibility for the establishment, remains and is always in the hands of the democratic elected parliaments of the Member States of the “world supply company,” all Nations on our planet are invited to participate, and as a member. No, they are called.

Become a member can any democratic country or political system which can join the human rights and the new environmental measures and standards, social standards, and it carries out. Human rights, environmental status and a great education plan for all free of charge, must be designed and poured into laws, which are binding worldwide. I call this: “Constitution for worldwide basic care for people and Nations”. The United Nations could be future-oriented and reorganized as a mediator and organizer useful. Of course also the United States (United States), China, Russia, the Emirates, the EU, the world’s religions, global organizations all.

Octavia Spencer

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What we propose is a journey to North America at the beginning of the 1960s, in the context of the traditional and closed society of Mississippi, to develop the story of 3 women. Eugenia Skeeter (Emma Stone) is a University 22 years young woman who arrives in his hometown with the firm desire to become a writer, against the wishes of his mother, who only want to find a good party and get married. Putting hands to work, Eugenia will write a controversial book, putting upside down hierarchies and established prejudices, challenging the differences of class and race to collect the experiences and testimonies of black maids who work for wealthy families of the place. For his work, Eugenia will be the invaluable collaboration and complicity of two of them, Aibileen (Viola Davis) and Minnie (Octavia Spencer). A history for women only? Perhaps the female his potential audience, but The Help is proving that it can also reach all kinds of collective and sensitivities, the male or youth spectators, and recalling another story of friendships between women who became a great success, also surprise, in its adaptation to the big screen as it was in 1991 fried green tomatoes. For its premiere in Spain in United States did so on 10 August-, still we have to wait almost 2 months, until October 28, and it will keep the same title of the book published in Spanish, maids and ladies. On the other hand, as a curiosity, in France will have opted for another so graphically as poetic translation, highlighting the most sensitive aspect of this story: the de Le couleur des sentiments (the color of feelings). Source of the news: maids and ladies, a racial melodrama of 1960s, blockbuster surprise us.UU.