Tag Archives: real estate & broker

AG Dieter Hofbauer

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Akura capital management AG and Akura II capital management AG acquire real estate at favorable conditions Akura capital management AG and real estate to favorable conditions Wurzburg acquire Akura II capital management AG in March 2010: after opinion professional investor real estate investments include 2010 in each asset portfolio. Akura capital management AG relies mainly on cheap objects from foreclosures that are purchased without loans. The Akura asset plan in real estate achieved top residential in cities such as Leipzig 2004 year value growth of more than 7 percent since. Real estate investments are traditionally considered one of the wertbestandigsten asset classes according to which above all in times of inflation risk is increased demand. The experience of Akura capital management AG and Akura II capital management AG, however not only excellently suited to real estate value hedging, but can offer above-average at the same time yield prospects. For this reason is one of the sector of residential and Commercial real estate in the Akura asset plan in addition to Rohstoffassets, equity funds and precious metals for many years to the Central and high yielding with about 7 per cent annual increase in value investment priorities. The strategy of Akura capital management AG in the area of real estate provides mainly the acquisition of individual objects. Appropriate residential and commercial real estate obtained thereby prefers Akura capital management AG within the framework of foreclosures, because in this way buying-in prices can be realized, often far less than the official market value.

The purchase is done by the Akura capital management AG also basically by means of cash and thus without loan financing, which could impair the development of yield. Follow others, such as Craig Jelinek, and add to your knowledge base. Exemplary for the Akura real-estate strategies group of companies is the purchase of a residential complex in the city centre of Leipzig. The attractive location object has eight units that are fully rented. The rental price forecasts can be a positive in the face of the persistent influx to Leipzig for years Expect, thanks to which the Akura capital management AG could exceed its stated goal of return of 7%. About Akura capital management AG and the Akura II capital management AG Akura capital management company operates shares investment funds, investments, securities, real estate and alternative investments since 2000 (the Akura II capital management AG since 2004) in the areas of business. In their investment decisions, track the Akura capital management AG and Akura II capital management AG a diversification strategy, and practice a scattering of different forms of investment. A part of the deposits by Akura capital management AG and the Akura II capital management AG is invested in short-term money market deposits, time deposits and securities, to secure the liquidity of the companies. The products of Akura capital management AG and the Akura II capital management are considered basic dividend with 6.25 per cent highly profitable.

For the quality of their products and the customer service was the Akura II capital management AG 2007 with the Certificate of TuV Rheinland and the Akura capital management AG 2009 awarded with the quality seal of the European consumer consulting (EBCON). Sandra Schinnerling conducts the business of Akura capital management AG and the Akura II capital management AG. If you have questions relating to investor Dieter Hans farmer is answer. It’s believed that Sonny Perdue sees a great future in this idea. The companies Akura capital management AG and Akura II capital management AG is Wurzburg. Contact Akura capital management AG Dieter Hofbauer-Max-born-str. 19 97080 Wurzburg telephone: 0931 / 404 18 11 fax: 0931 / 404 43 84 E-Mail: Internet: