Tag Archives: spirituality

First Ecumenical Council

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The resurrection of Jesus Christ – the greatest, light and life-affirming Christian holiday. The second name of this day the Orthodox Easter, that is the day that Christ be accomplished transition from the camp of the dead to live in this day, he ascended with sinful earth to heavens. Resurrected son human – and for whole universe began new countdown clear, exultant morning new life. Jesus return towards life – first real victory son human over death. At the time of preparation for the Easter holidays, "Holy Week" Orthodox Christians attend church on a daily basis.

All the churches in the country these days filled with parishioners. The Russian Federation is Orthodoxy the main religion, but the church is united with the state. According to recent reports of more than fifty percent of our country – Orthodox Christians. Therefore, Easter is the official state and nationwide day, the second most important holiday after Christmas. When celebrate Easter at the dawn of Christianity Easter was celebrated in different countries at different times.

In the East, in the Churches of Asia Minor, it was celebrated on the fourteenth day of March (Month of Nisan), in what would be a great day of the week (week before Easter) or accounted for to this date. And the clergy of the West, saying that improper to celebrate Easter with the Jews, it accomplishes the first Sunday after spring full moon. The first attempt to establish harmony among the various churches on this fundamental issue was made when he was Polycarp, St., at 157g. AD, but then svyaschenosluzhiteli agree or not managed. Finally, the problem is solved after the First Ecumenical Council (325), which was made a historic decision – to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ throughout the first Sunday after Easter full moon, the days from March 22 to April 25, Orthodox Easter so consistently observed after Judaism.

Interactive Nature

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Astrology – a close study of the interactive nature of our universe. Our world, our solar system, stars, our neighboring galaxies and the nature of our inner being is deeply connected. Planet's majestic revolve around their stars, and we also – part of the dance. The motion of celestial bodies, in turn, determines the movement of their neighbors, and together they directly affect the life of everything around us, and deeply affect Each of us indiscriminately in ways that we might not know. To fully grasp the value of astrology, it is important to understand that astrology is very different from what we expect from psychics and clairvoyance. If you want to to know the winning lottery number or street address of the high dark stranger if you selected astrology is very helpful.

However, unlike the psychics, astrology will not deceive you. Astrology will teach you read the signs of gifts in my life and will guide you, and may explain the present effects at the time of your birth, as well as those gifts that stay with you throughout your life on this earth. Her message is the number of time Astrology is as old as the stars. Many centuries ago, ancient peoples noticed that the motion of stars and planets, which they have observed in our sky, created certain patterns and impact on a specific order here at Land. The moon, as was noted, affected the flow and as the season took turns approaching the planet, changed the contact with our planet.