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Brigadier Generals

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Gina extends the hand to catch the bag and of the looked at one in the candies that it brought. But of the one due to a thing. Irritated fight with Julinho. GINA- You forgot them Brigadier Generals who I to ask for to you? How I go to make a party without Brigadier Generals? You never make nothing right.

Julinho has more attention and makes the things right. Irritated Julinho JULINHO- Gina you do not have shame to say me that I asked for to bring Brigadier General? You nor said that types of candy were pra to buy, I to me that I chose! GINA- does not matter. It goes to buy the Brigadier Generals. does not delay. That I want that my party starts early. Ah, It uses to advantage and it invites the amiguinhos that I selected for the little party. (Handle the list in the table), It takes.

Here it is the list and it says for each one of them that it has that to bring the toys that had earned today, that it is for each one to present its. Julinho leaves and Gina starts to arrange candies on of the table. When it finishes to arrange the table, Lilica and Julinho arrives together bringing what Gina had them order. LILICA- Gina, Gina, is Here to the bladders that you asked for to me. They are pretty, are pretty. You liked? GINA- Yes Lilica. They are pretty. Now it goes for its house, if it arranges, it catches the toy that you earned today of its parents and come to my little party. JULINHO- are the Brigadier Generals Here who you asked for Gina to me. Now it stops to catch in my foot it leaves and me in peace. Girl boat.