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President Alan Garcia

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What results will have the anti-crisis plan in Peru? Buenos Aires, Argentina on January 30, 2009 in Peru just approve start-up launched the first stage of the economic stimulus plan announced by President Alan Garcia towards the end of the month of December 2008. The first stage of the anti-crisis plan involves a cost of 4,500 million soles (about US $1,450 million). The anti-crisis plan starts with a package of 16 measures focused on the promotion of productive activity, social protection and continuity of infrastructure investments. Measures to apply in the first tranche of the anti-crisis plan include a reduction of 10% in the prices of diesel and petrol; investments by 1.9 billion dollars in infrastructure, and more than 700 million soles for works of social order. The social issue is a topic highly sensitive in Peru, considering the high level of poverty prevailing in the country (40% of the population is below the poverty line).

The implementation of the anti-crisis plan appears at a good moment when the crisis had begun to affect tax revenues and external accounts, threatening to cause a significant negative impact on economic growth. The anti-crisis plan aims to keep the rate of economic growth above 5%. Despite the impact of the international crisis, the Peruvian economy is one of the Latin American economies with better growth prospects for 2009. Since the GOP is projected to grow from the product in the order of 6%, projection (and target) that may be closer reach with the influence positive plan anti-crisis which has just get underway. That the Peruvian economy seeks to achieve a rate of growth of more than 5% have direct linkage with the need to improve its social indicators. Therefore, the concern of the Government of Alan Garcia goes more by the impact of the crisis on low-income segments, than its specific impact on the growth rate.

Personality Type

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ALAN GARCIA’s FASCIST personality can be seen in the actions that have all his party colleagues, who assumed as truth to conventions dictated by capitalist society with its neoliberal model, above all to the authoritarian submission to the dictates that make Alan Garcia and which is not criticised by none of his followers. We say so because they cannot justify the outrage of all fundamental rights of the human person, such as the life and freedom of expression, which are now kept under distress in full force, in addition to many episodes that have tried or done exercise of abuse of his authority to maintain its multiple abuses to freedom of expression under shade, as for example is the closure of several stations of the province, by the mere fact of being argumentative to its regime. It’s what Theodor Adorno conceptualized as authoritarian aggression, which also can see it in the criminalization of social protest, in the aggression to former political prisoners with aggressive and repressive measures to the fundamental rights of the human person, without import the human, if not quite the opposite side its punishability linda already with the personal imbalance that would enter into the lack of introspection of their actions, the reflection of themselves. It continues with his thought of rigid and not interchangeable categories, the fate of the APRA and the same Alan Garcia as predestined to be the saviors of the Peru despite the contrary evidence. His rough handling of power for the population in general, which is expressed in the endless propaganda that spread by the press addicted to his regime and which subjected through the advertising as commercial benefice. Another of its features more whites is so obvious cynicism before their outrages, like what happened with consideration of teaching appointment, where their coreligionists, many of them without intellectual merit, not even of curriculum, were appointed to which counted with all the elements and logistics for such unlawful purposes and the consent of many apristas directors and corrupt by defense Attache.