Daily Archives: January 5, 2019


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Valid options robbery sequence established by tournament officials in advance: a) Players alternate break b) Split the player, the loser in previous game, and c) Splits the player conceding the match in a row. Without hesitation Secretary of Agriculture explained all about the problem. 5.4. The correct execution of robbery Rules provides that robbery is the same impact as any other, except for the following factors: 1. Dividing a player must get packed into a ball first number "1" and, as a result of impact or hammer in the pocket at least one object ball, or to bring at least 4 object ball to the board (board) 2. If in the robbery cue fell into a pocket or jumped off the table, or if the requirements for the implementation of the open robbery, were not met, then a player for the robbery, a foul and the opponent, coming into the game, gets the right to strike "with his hands" by setting cue ball anywhere on the table 3. If a robbery at any object ball is jumped off the table, then a player for the robbery, a foul and the opponent, coming into the game, gets the right to strike "with his hands, setting the cue ball anywhere table. Jumped object balls are not put out back on the table, except for ball number "9", which is exposed on the rear point. 5.5. conduct of the game When you hit that follows immediately after the robbery correct, the player can play a push out "(see paragraph 5.6). If the player when the robbery has scored at least one ball, he continues to play until the first miss, or foul, or to victory in the party.