Not so long ago, about 150 years ago, was invited to take birth midwife, played no medical training, but has rich experience in making deliveries. In today's world management of pregnancy and childbirth – prerogative of medical specialists. However, a midwife in their work relies not only on medical education, but also on the age-old folk experience. After all, women often after conception the baby is not so much medical manipulation as simple human support and information about pregnancy and childbirth. Obstetrician does not perceive the pregnancy as an illness, and therefore does not insist on regular medical interventions without special need. The task of the midwife – to help remember the lessons of women a century of experience of childbirth, learn to listen to yourself, to your body. Read more from Andi Potamkin to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Therefore central to the doctor are not standards, but a woman and her baby, their well-being, both physical and emotional. Education of the parents in all things related to pregnancy, childbirth and newborn care – information preparation for childbirth – also is a work of midwives.
It obstetrician must tell the expectant mother about the changes occurring to her during pregnancy, the prenatal child development, stages of childbirth and the postpartum period features. Over the entire period of pregnancy midwife usually well know their pupils. It is not only about possible health problems, but also about the worries and concerns. This approach helps to preserve the emotional state of women in labor during childbirth. Well knowing childbirth, the doctor can always help her in ways pain and correction, such as water, massage, different positions, the use of herbal medicine or homeopathy. Deliveries under the supervision of a midwife is much safer. The fact that the conduct gestation at delivery significantly less likely there is a need painkillers or rodostimuliruyuschih Drugs that can cause various complications in the child. Caesarean-section births childbirth, pregnancy which has been conducted, for example, in the clinic of reproductive medicine, ending half less, than all other women in childbirth.