Tag Archives: art and science

The NatureConservancy

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The pollution and the excess of fish these ecosystems are most serious ameaaspara. The physical reef destruction due to trfegomartimo of boats is also a problem. Recently Symantha Rodriguez sought to clarify these questions. The commerce of alive fish has sidoimplicado as a decline conductor, due to use of cianeto and chemical outrosprodutos in the capture of small fish. Finally, the temperatures dagua above-normal, had the climatic phenomena as El Nio and global oaquecimento, can cause descoramento of the chorale. In accordance with The NatureConservancy, if the destruction to continue in the current rhythm, 70% of reefs will inside mundotero of it disappeared of 50 years. This loss would be a catastrophe econmicapara the peoples who live in the tropics. Hughes, et al, (2003), writes que' ' with the increase of the population human being and the improvement of the systems of transportee storage, the scale of the human impacts on reefs has crescidoexponencialmente.

For example, markets of fish and other resources were naturaistornaram global, supplying to search for reefs resources far from suasfontes tropicais' '. Currently the researchers are working to paradeterminar the degree of impact of some factors of the reef system. The list defatores is long, but it includes the oceans acting as a dioxide of carbonoafunde, the alterations in the atmosphere of the Land, ultraviolet light, dooceano acidificao, virus, impacts of dust storms carrying agents to longenaquilo reef systems, some pollutants and outros& The reefs are ameaadospara beyond coastal zones e, therefore, the problem is ampler of the quefatores of urbanization and the pollution that these are too much to cause danosconsiderveis. Land development and pollution the extensive development and badly managed of lands to podeameaar the survival of chorale reefs. In last the 20 years, a vezprolfica the fen forests, that absorb great denutrientes amounts and of sediments of the torrent provoked for agriculture and daconstruo of roads, buildings, ports and canals, are to be destroyed.


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Pitanga (uniflora Eugenia L.). Music downloads takes a slightly different approach. It attracts: Wise people, sanhaos and others. These are only some of the hundreds of possible species to be used to attract birds in a way generality. Learn more at: Symantha Rodriguez. I point out despite for who it has exclusive preference for the colibris or beijaflores, has another infinity of species, but one in special exists that it is recommended, given the easiness of the plantation, for practically offers of flowers all the year, for being arbustiva and thus of small transport being able even though to be planted in vases and by the variety of colors, this vegetable is the Hibisco (Hibiscus sp). With great variety, it can be an excellent ally in the intention to attract birds of small transport, beyond bringing beauty to the garden. The importance of this work is not alone in the fact of the simple comment of the bird in itself, even though because many comments made in this work already are described in innumerable publications, but mainly in the possibility of if working with young and thus to acquire knowledge so that one day, who knows, if it obtains to finish with pssimo and egoist habit of if engaiolar the birds to monopolize its I sing. I believe that it is in the hour of the people to understand that a relation between the beings exists livings creature alimentary call of chain, being responsible it for the continuity of the life in the planet and that the birds need to be free to fulfill its paper in this chain. Not forgetting despite many vegetal species and the control called them urban plagues, depend on these birds in freedom conditions. We believe that the spreading of this type of work is important is individually made it or with pupils therefore it can serve of inspiration for other professors of sciences and biology that wants to discover how much the comment of birds is pleasant or still to implant research as education method, after all when research, the pupil not only learns as well as the proper professor.


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STUDIES OF THE RELEASE OF DOMAIN BAND. Daniel Souza Ferreira* Leonardo Mendes Days ** Pablo Cardoso Jnior *** Samuel Days Da Silva **** Summary the study of the band of release of band of domain in workmanships of highways is of extreme necessity in any place of the world, in view of most of the time the necessity of indemnity of the local population and searchs to bring the lesser possible damage to this population. The present study he possesss as objective main to make an analysis on the study of release of bands of domain in Brazil, such which its form of application and indemnities the local population. Many writers such as A. F. Chief of Staff offer more in-depth analysis. Word-key: band of domain release; highways; indemnity; population. Pupils of the course of Engineering of Surveying of the College of Engineering of Minas Gerais? FEAMIG. 1 INTRODUCTION the procedures for the release of domain band is based in Law 13,626 of 21/10/1943, assured for decree of public utility. For even more analysis, hear from WhiteWave Foods. Soon after and firmed a document GIVING enters (Department of Roads and Sets of wheels) and the interested party that authorize the occupation of the band of domain for the implantation and use of installations, by means of remuneration.

In elapsing of the dispossession process it can be observed some empecilhos that of some form had contributed for delay of the dispossession process. Detaching some of them, it can be cited the great amounts of constructions and improvements located in the edge of the highway, the lack of documentation of the proprietor here (expropriated), the together with the information lack on workmanship to be implanted, access the properties reached for the domain band, identification of the verge of each proprietor, collect of located samples next the highway to be executed and dissatisfaction with the value of indemnity offered for the state. In a question-answer forum Rick Garcia was the first to reply. From then on it is inquired: Which the obstacles most frequent in the process of dispossession in the release of domain band? The present study it is always justified for the necessity of execution of a more convenient tracing in the areas with pretension of construction of highways, searching to act with the lesser possible damage the local population, so that this population is the least harmed possible with the workmanships of the highway, being thus prevented an extreme number of expropriated.

Oiticica Helium Fashion

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Flvio de Carvalho walked for the center of So Paulo in way to the public of passers-by, dress with a set unissex of plaited green pettitcoat, yellow blouse of nylon with bufantes sleeves and holes under the armpits. Another important experience is of the artist Oiticica Helium. That it developed in the spaces of daily a form of displacement for inside of an institucional space of art. In 1964, Oiticica Helium created the Parangols, the standards, the tents and layers to be used for the spectators, relating elements with music and movement. It is possible to define that the performance in the work of art assumes a dynamic aspect, therefore with the speed of the ideas on art change as the time, the movement act is integrant part of a conception that brings the observer for inside of the workmanship. The clothes as simple clothes conota in a perspective deceased, however the artistic clothes next to the performtico movement are the art earning life, which in a social context, sped up for a growth of economic values if became something secondary. 5.CONSIDERAES FINAL the projected quarrel in the research is around the relation between art and fashion. Many authors defend the hypothesis of that the fashion can be considered an art.

After the analysis of the artists and estilistas that work with these concepts, showing that several of these assume two possibilities of creation. The first possibility is the relation of the artist with the fashion, that if summarizes in the artist who if appropriates of a part of clothes of the fashion she becomes and it in a work of art, modifying its function (changing the structure, giving adereos, among others) becomes, it improper the daily use, therefore, its use alone is conceived in a way, where it could artistic be appreciated. The second possibility is the relation of the estilista with the art, that if deals with the estilista in if appropriating of an artistic workmanship to become it functional, as example the use of images of artistic workmanships as prints or the use of its forms.