Tag Archives: Pregnancy

Another Breakthrough In The Treatment Of Infertility

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British doctors have invented a method for growing human eggs in the laboratory from samples of ovary, which is a major discovery in the treatment of infertility. The procedure is tested in two British clinics for the treatment of infertility. It consists of a sampling of ovarian tissue from the patient and hold it for th time, while the woman wants to have a baby. It allows women to postpone motherhood for many years. Also, this method eliminates various health risks associated with other methods of artificial insemination. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Secretary of Agriculture. The first stage of a new method of treatment of infertility is a sampling of ovarian tissue samples using arthroscopic surgery.

Next ovarian tissue frozen and stored until such time as the woman does not want to conceive a child. Then the immature egg with hormonal drugs are brought to a mature level is used for artificial fertilization. According Reproduction, this method will be very useful in the treatment of infertility due to the fact that patients can avoid the daily administration of hormonal preparations used for ovulation stimulation. Hormones, in turn, can cause severe complications and in some cases even fatal if hyperstimulation syndrome. The new method may cause an ethical problem – he takes the process Human Reproduction even deeper into the artificial space laboratory. Doctors one of the centers of infertility treatment in London, working on a new method, claim that the various elements of this method is used, but out to complete the entire process will take some time. At this time, women, cancer patients will be able to retain a portion of the ovaries prior to anti-cancer treatment. Scientists previously managed to produce an egg from ovarian tissue in the lab, but this process is still under research and not used in the successful treatment of infertility.

The Most

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Collectively, these symptoms can be suspected ectopic development, the diagnosis should be done only in hospital. Interruption of ectopic pregnancy. By type of tubal abortion, there is a rupture of the internal capsule plodovmestilischa and begins bleeding into the cavity of the tube. Diagnosis in such a course is often extremely difficult. Craig Jelinek will not settle for partial explanations. Bleeding is usually there is no abundant, because fertilized egg gradually and long-peeled from the walls of the tube (from a few days to 2 months). Woman finds herself pregnant. Whenever Secretary of Agriculture listens, a sympathetic response will follow. But to features added to a range of symptoms: a cramping pain in the lower abdomen, arising suddenly, against the backdrop of a full well-being and bleeding from the vagina. Give pain in the anus and rectum, lower back and legs.

Spotting for tubal abortion scanty, dark, 'spotting' character long enough. Violation of ectopic pregnancy by type of pipe rupture – the sudden, the most dangerous and adverse outcome. Ruptures the outer capsule plodovmestilischa. Manifestation of the gap fallopian tubes are bright enough. Occur acutely sharp abdominal pain (usually on the side of the pregnant tube), give pain in the rectum, hypochondrium, accompanied by a sharp deterioration of general condition, severe weakness, dizziness, loss of consciousness. there is a sharp drop in blood pressure, pulse quickens, there is pallor of the skin and mucous membranes. On palpation the abdomen was a huge boleznennost.Harakter symptoms depends on the magnitude of blood loss. If a woman does not render timely help, the development of shock (this is a critical state in which narusheatsya work of all bodies).

Catherine Born Therapy

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Talk to him a bit slower than you're used to, ask after the game he arranged the toys to their places. Baby suit Any sports section, where the result depends on the amount of effort. (5) Heavy birth child born entwined cord (fault in the fourth matrix) does not make clothes that are compressed. It is not necessary to choose Sweaters for him "under his throat, scarves, hats, tied at the chin. (6) After birth, are not attached to the chest, separated from his mother to smooth out the 'negative', laid down in the fourth matrix in the first three years my mother has as much as possible time to spend with your child. Joint sleep, feeding on demand, use of sling (this band is in the form of a large piece of fabric is becoming more popular and successfully competes with backpack-kangaroo, in fact fits with the kiddies birth, and the child is in her most natural position) – all this is doubly necessary to this kid. For all the kiddies who pass through these or other problems during delivery, may be useful to work with a psychologist. Effective Methods igro-, art therapy, Jungian sand therapy, work with clay.

For adults who want to relive the birth, but with a positive experience, used a procedural, body-oriented therapy, Holotropic breath holodinamiku and many other systems. The main thing that psychotherapeutic work took place at three levels: intellectually, emotionally and physically. PRACTICES Early separation eldest son of Catherine Born in rapid delivery, with a hematoma.